[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

Their voting pattern is abysmal.

they hadn’t non-sarcastically voting anyone who isn’t flipped town at this point.

their tone is weird AF. katze’s “boom marshal caught suck it” condescending/agressive tone is out of the blue and i haven’t seen it on katze before.

They pushed on me yet also called me TvT(and now townread me)

also the :^) thing.

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so now im willing to die for meme potential and to narrow down the PoE which i am undoubtedly a part of

i pushed you because marshal scum

and your confident in me being W made me reconsider


oh and also i have a theory that they killed luxy specifically to shade me because luxy called me a scum if he was nightkilled

in fact 2/3 of the nightkills specifically said “if im killed, marshal bad” which is a little odd

Its weird u remember that

Seems something ud only remember if u were a killer lol.

well i wasn’t the one who brought it up but ofc i remember it now

katze was the one who said it.

Fair enough

me pointing out that marshal looks bad = im bad :^)

like i said, just lynch me and move on

or realize that i’m trying to lynch people i think are wolves and get off my ass

i don’t really care which

Why is telegov town?


Cant remember their name. Wazza did nothing d1 lol



It’s certainly possible but I think it’s a lot less likely than most other people

/replace in on plane and gonna sleep when I get off.

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DatBird has replaced Jeremy_Gonzalez

Wow, way to make me feel insignificant. Though I do like that you compared me to Tele in that somehow.