[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

I… I don’t know
I don’t know anymore
I still believe in a town Marshal
But the rest? Idk

Id like italy lynched today unless they can help show their towniness.

I see town tan and maybe town preistess.

And one other read I have which I have but decline to say

I’ve been setting something possibly game-winning in every scenario where I don’t make it to lylo because of nightkills

And if I do make it to lylo I just try my best

/vote italy

This is the best lynch regardless. Meta tells indicate w at the very least

Count your vote as a doublevote for now, Marshal.
I hope Merc or I find the will again to read stuff and be useful, but rn I’m kinda broken.

Well my HTM read was wrong so that means my poe is Marshal Italy and Katze. With one of Marshal and Katze prob clearing the other

Priestess dw it’s a wrong read. It’s no worries

Like it’s no big deal. No one pissed at ya for it. We all think we are great readers but realistically we are gonna get some wrong

Lynch Italy first for science reasons

I’ll get myself together again
Just rn it feels absolute shit and I wanna swear
I really like Possessed and I’d never thought I’m gonna mislynch him on a so stupid way.


I have science that can win the game but said science requires faith in me.

No I’m feeling ur lynch. The italy lynch has no resistance

I respectfully decline

@anon97870008 what were some of the things you and merc said to come to the V conclusion on me

Maybe a bit of useful information
I think it was one of Italy’s first games ever, I think NFoL4. He was scum, and tried to slank as hell to not get lynched

*note that this is to solve mercstess

I think I can give an elaborate answer on this, but if you want to get a gut answer… this here.

I normally hate your reaction tests and call you spammer etc etc … but this one time it felt so pure, so useful.
(Note that this is not because you’ve slight townread me in this, y’know that I tend to scumread people who are townreading me, but this whole post made so much sense)

And I think you had something to do with Mists lynch

That’s just my gut reasons, and idk how Merc thinks about it for real, we’re sharing reads and thoughts from time to time, but she has not too much time and doesn’t always read the thread

I’d rather an elaborate answer.

Y’all acted like you came to the conclusion of “me v” pretty strongly and I want to understand why