[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

I think where everything started to go off the rails was killing Hippo. That whole NKA I kept pushing? Popped that out of nowhere in the space of about five minutes. The actual purpose of it was to make the N2 look like I was being set up for TMI (by the way, I actually was afraid that I was gonna get called for TMI at that point). Then I say “Okay, we need to look at what Hippo was saying before they died”, and Merc jumps in to remind me that Hippo was scumreading them. So I switched my whole argument and started saying that Priestess had to be town, partly to pocket them and partly to make it look like I hadn’t walked into D6 with an agenda to push.

https://discord.gg/Tz4Qf7Q for scumchat, incidentally

part of why i lynched you over DB, tan, was because it felt like you had TMI for a lot of the game

i didn’t push you on it nearly as hard as i should have

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Yeah i think u shlda killed dat and kept me alive.

but the real straws that broke the camels back were your reactions vs his to my two reaction tests

DB sounded so much more towny than you

I’m going to be honest the whole ‘kill villagers who townread you’ strategy was a little weird :eyes:


I townread tan over most others lol

i mean, it was gonna work if literally anyone realized what was going on

Hot take

D1 VCA spewed Jake as town

Knowing everyones role im still not sure how kai died d1 he didnt rlly do anything lol.

marshal know he deserves to chug hot sauce for assuming jake or italy would make smart plays


scale of 1-10
how brain dead was town for not realizing
Tan:“I SR Italy”
Also Tan:votes with Italy

Tan: ‘Mist is openwolving’
Tan: ‘Italy is one of my top scumreads’
Tan: votes with Italy on the counterwagon to Mist


i guess no :^) for mwa

it’s okay

i get to take pride that i carried you :^)

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marshal did 1000 calculations per second and only one was right

:^) reeee

well two.

i sr both you and mist.

my plan was actually to deathtunnel you d2 before i looked at the votes

i mean, why did you SR me for a metaread

i did it for votes