[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

i guess i gotta be a better liar as town is my biggest lesson

Your lategame play was stronger than your early game play, I would try emulating some of the solviness you displayed in your lategame play throughout the game

the two main benefits of this are (a) potential to, well, solve, and (b) the ability to be findable as town ā€“ you would have been a fairly easy mislynch if scum had tried to push it

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It would have worked against anyone else than Tangeld :eyes:

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you brought it up every other post

i wanted to selfvote at lylo becuase

  1. i didnt know who was scum
  2. i didnā€™t think i could convince EITHER of you to not vote me

butā€¦ i didnā€™t want to literally throw the game. i knew i had a chance of winning if i actually played

killing marshal was really relieving though

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hence the lack of subtlely i brought up

I think the main problem here was being too formulaic ā€“ itā€™s true that wagons with little resistance tend to be on town, but it was clear in this game after Mist got lynched that that wasnā€™t totally true

so that sort of general guide is a starting point but I would try to branch out more and be responsive to the situation in any given game

it would have been way more fun if i didnā€™t go to die.

we woulda partied in tanā€™s ashes and i coulda revealed the whole thing to you

we agreed not to help eachother

Yup, Mercenary showed me why it was obvious that scum is slanking :upside_down_face:

i was gonna be like.

ā€œlol this vote is so easyā€

/vote [tan on dat]

whoops :wink:

and then my plan explained

Ya te vas a la maƱana
Ha-ah, los Ɣngeles esperarƔn
Es el fuego que yoā€”conozco
Es el fuego que yoā€”
Ya te vas a la maƱana
Ha-ah, los Ɣngeles esperarƔn
Es el fuego que yoā€”conozco
Es el fuego que yoā€”
My advice to @Marshal @anon97870008

once i realized i was super LHF i kind of intentionally played bad at some points to survive longer

i said like, 5 times how iā€™d ā€œnever be a nightkillā€ because that was my aim. to live nights.

which ended up working out

yes but you blurting KATZE BAD IF PRIESTESS GOOD SCIENCE SCIENCE SCIENCE 100 times made me really second guess that this was a gambit

if you said it once i woulda caught on

i was actually going to go for a marshal/luxy N1 kill but mist didnā€™t wanna kill people wagoning him

i bet this is kanye in spanish

If you look at any game of meā€¦ Iā€™m always formulaic. I canā€™t really play FM I just pretend to :joy:
Thatā€™s a great word to describe my playstyle

so hilariously

you blurting out science convinced the one person you needed to convince that you were serious, and the one person you DIDNT want to convince that you were gambiting

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This reminded me so much of Mafia Academy that I was like wtf have I been thinking

And thatā€™s where I first hinted I was not voting kat


i did my stupid katze gambit because of something eevee said in BoTC

that the american playstyle of pushing and reads is for nerds.

so i went for a very european play

I thought you played pretty well, actually, the big thing I would say is to re-read in the lategame to see what you might have missed - Tan did some super wolfy things in her progression that no one ever caught on to, and I think if youā€™d re-read youā€™d probably have caught them

also your VCA was good except that for some reason you never checked who was voting the counterwagon to the flipped scum member :upside_down_face:

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