[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

Time to create LAMISS

going to sleep now enjoy tearing eachother apart

Is that the point of being Lamist? Laminisity of any kind is kinda scummy

that is probably a thing

Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying, the point of it is to do it so it doesnā€™t get noticed, so it doesnā€™t work in the same way when itā€™s as blatant as Chloe has been doing it

This post feels like satire and I genuinely love it

but knowing that this is your first game I donā€™t know how to actually interpret it

but this is a best of quote in my eyes


I donā€™t think they were being ironic

my wifi has decided that it wants to die


I donā€™t think itā€™s intentionally satire

what do you get from it?

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Anyway I claim cop with a n0 redcheck on Jake

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I claim Mafia Miller. Clearly a fluke.

damn mafia millers

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canā€™t draw anything because all they did was to fluff

knowing her i donā€™t think sheā€™s evil for it

but if i read that ISO from any other name iā€™d be pretty skeptical of them

Anyone tou dind Sketchy?

i assume youā€™re asking me if i find anyone sketchy

i donā€™t like mists ISO, i kind of like your ISO

im slowly reading more ISOs

Okay why is Jake living viscerally through everyone me/Luxy are touching

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Because Luxy moved the thread, and I followed because I told Issac what they needed to do to have any hope of being townread. If anything, Merc tried to stop the thread from moving.

yā€™all have to stop parroting and notice that I wanted the thread focus to shift on what I thought to be scummy behavior from Luxy
I was discussing Luxyā€™s quick shift and not Isaac. It was moving the thread.

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After watching Frozen 2, I had a very big realization that maybe I need to Let it Go, as the past is in the past.


And, for the First Time in Forever, iā€™ve decided to:

/vote mist

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