[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

I’m going to say that this Priestess is hard lock mafia. Read 100 of the recent posts and good lord between the claiming mafia, claiming others were partners, the stupid over the top preformance art and need to be seen.

I have no other reads but would lock this one in pretty much

Nuclear is locktown.
Hecking hell, I love this post.

okay so I need to refine this method
i’ll shelve it for now but i’ll bring back a refined version of macro tonereading later

Ho lee shit you can actually post.

hard agree this post is super villagery

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i don’t agree with it but it’s super pure


I mean… not 100% locktown, but around 95%, but you know what I mean

Who is this, and why do they act as if I have not been posting all game?

The game has just started as far as I can tell

his name is jake and he’s a wolf

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The game started ~15 hours ago

before priestess gets angry at me about this it’s an objective fact on multiple leveles, not just the one she agrees with

We aren’t even halfway into day one of a vanilla mountainous. This game won’t start tl d3 let’s be honest.

Well shid. time to randovote

I need to be doing college paperwork and I’m procrastinating for this wopping game.

But yes, Jake is 100% (more like 87% but whatever) not a villager this game.

Priestess not angry anymore.
Priestess content.
We’ve gotten some serious work done in only half a day

I mean, you didn’t sign up for a Mountainous game to just dick off until half the town dies D3

well yeah we found out that i’m shit at statistical analysis
i definitely need a better way to interpret the data
but i still believe in the method in principle

That’s how I was taught to play mountainous by the best mafia players ever

Ici what are my words data?