[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

I was on a forum that heavily started the rule of three, it’s used to help find more mafia after you’ve started to solve the game.

When you see people give reads day one, your first reply shouldn’t be “I think those could be partners.”

  1. If they are partners, you are now cautioning to them that they need to think very carefully and post differently now.

  2. If they are partners, you can just keep it to yourself and pressure them into giving more of that read, and other reads they have, so if they do flip wolf you can catch their partners even easier.

  3. If they are town, it doesn’t give you anything except flood your mind with thoughts that aren’t useful day one.

It’s still only theory at this point

@Nuclear_Rehab what are you actually trying to do by ‘correcting’ Luxy

I think when I posted that I was thinking it’d absolutely solve Icibalus and Priestess, I had a 3rd name in mind but I don’t remember it (today was a long day) but it might have been Mist? But I think other people could read a lot more into your interactions than I could

Giving some advice so that maybe they can use their style to better bury wolves in the future. It’s a good thing he uses that logic to himself, but maybe my advice he can become a god at using it.

Also I’m kind of bored, I haven’t seen much that has changed my thoughts on the game so

But then you can watch for behaviour shifts between the two

/vote Kai

Fuck it. I’m voting my top scumread. Bite me.

Wolves fuck up a ton when they are comfortable and you hide your thoughts :stuck_out_tongue:

@Nuclear_Rehab I have a question

Since you think I am a bad player, what does Jake’s comment about me being the town leader say about Jake’s alignment?

I don’t think you are bad because you are open with a read, it’s just not optimal to my view.

Jake saying a frequent poster is leading town is somewhat NAI at a base level. If he is mafia he can maybe say that to push some of your wrong reads I suppose, but I don’t necessarily think it matters when you compare to a lot of the other things he has done.

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez 1/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Luxy and Geyde 1/8
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Mist1422 Chloe 1/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus, Kai_5, Marshal 3/8
Priestess Hippolytus 1/8
Hippolytus Priestess and Mercenary 1/8
Kai_5 JakeTheWolfie 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Italy, Mist1422 5

So you’re still null on him?

I am currently asking him to expand on the list of 3 he gave, I want to see where exactly the turning point was for those reads and I will probably decide where I lean.

i interact with my wolfbuds early but that’s just me.

Kai - Made one ISO bashing Chloe for Lamisting. That’s about as much as they’ve done.
Isaac - Refused to make content when pushed, and instead insisted on defending the little towncred they had.
Chloe - Lamisting and a severe lack of content

also jake can you explain what i’ve done is scummy?

because you kinda just dropped me being a member of the scum trio pretty quickly and i want to know what you were thinking

You sheeped Kai’s vote with no resistance to them trying to policy lynch

i sheeped the vote but for different reasons than kai.

I think you’d be a decent lynch but not because of policy lynch.

Wtf is Lamist, I only saw mafia from DR mash call me that

look at me, im so town.

basically posting something calling yourself townie.(or doing something that’s obviously townie for the purpose of looking townie)