[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

Kai_5 was lynched in the rand

He was…

Denali, Vanilla Townie

You are a Vanilla Townie. Your only weapons are your voice and your vote.

Defeat the Mafia.

[this space reserved for flip flavor]

Night 1 begins and will end in 12 hours

Still looking for a replacement

hello yes this is sulit speaking

Is this a /replace in?

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Sulit has replaced Chloe


Icibalus has died in the night. He was:

Mount Vesuvius, Vanilla Townie

You are a Vanilla Townie. Your only weapons are your voice and your vote.

Defeat the Mafia.

Day 2 begins and will end in 36 hours. With 13 alive, majority is 7.

Its 2019-12-14T22:07:00Z rn

@anon97870008 and @Mercenary

@Luxy and @Geyde

So Kai… uhh wtf.

I don’t understand how Kai couldn’t flip Mafia there, with their “Let’s flip Jake because he’s too hard to read 4head”

I’ll need to revaluate my wagon on Kai.

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Currently Abstaining Players JakeTheWolfie, Marshal, WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Sulit, Katze, Priestess and Mercenary, Italy, Mist1422, Jeremy_Gonzalez, Luxy and Geyde, Isaac_Gonzalez, Hippolytus 13

So this wagon came out of nowhere. and had no resistance. who woulda fuckin guessed it’s a town one.

Votes went(almost immediately)


Rehab’s jakevote redeems them slightly in my eyes.(and they are blatant town here)
Luxy had expressed dislike of wagons today and i guess would jump on this one.
Jake had just unvoted kai so i can get their vote.

now for katze. Katze’s vote came with little to no reasoning. Ther on;y saving grace is this FoS that came earlier.

while there isn’t great reasoning in this post, it at least makes some sense as to why the kai vote happened.

Now for italy. Oh boy.

first, italy’s iso has like… one read and 40 fluffposts. Like seriously. I’ll quote all of the non-game-related posts.


That’s 37/55 posts already. yikes.

ok so lets move onto the kai wagon. Here is a list of reasons italy gave for why kai should be the lynch

  1. Peer pressure.

alright so analyzing this list of reasons prof. marshal MD has come to the conclusion that this reason sucks. Not only is it a non-reason, they weren’t even pressured into voting kai like… at all. lets look at that interaction.

This is… it. Jake even said it in such a non-threatening/non-forceful way. No way italy, who hasn’t read the thread, random votes kai because jake says they can “vote kai if they want to”

this is just suuuuuch a yikes vote and i have a hard time beleiveing it’s town

made this last night

/vote italy

I need to make a break for a day or so, food poisoning
Don’t quicklynch anyone thx

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Italy Marshal 1/7
Currently Abstaining Players JakeTheWolfie, WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Sulit, Katze, Priestess and Mercenary, Italy, Mist1422, Jeremy_Gonzalez, Luxy and Geyde, Isaac_Gonzalez, Hippolytus 12


guess what wagon had no scum with 3 people on it.

Hah! The Mafia’s poisoning was a success!

like this was literally a 3/8 wagon with all flipped town or me. No way scum doesn’t hop on this and instead makes a counterwagon.

Jake and italy are whom i want gone today