[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

I see many worlds in which jake and italy are a pair and called on italy for that extra vote towards kai.

FoS Jake

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
JakeTheWolfie Marshal, Sulit 2/7
Currently Abstaining Players JakeTheWolfie, WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Priestess and Mercenary, Italy, Mist1422, Jeremy_Gonzalez, Luxy and Geyde, Isaac_Gonzalez, Hippolytus 11

hi merc

All votecounts

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players JakeTheWolfie, Marshal, WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Kai_5, Chloe, Katze, Priestess and Mercenary, Italy, Mist1422, Jeremy_Gonzalez, Luxy and Geyde, Hippolytus, Icibalus 14

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Geyde and Luxy Hippolytus, Marshal 2/8
Currently Abstaining Players JakeTheWolfie, WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Kai_5, Chloe, Katze, Priestess and Mercenary, Italy, Mist1422, Jeremy_Gonzalez, Luxy and Geyde, Icibalus 12

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Geyde and Luxy Hippolytus, Marshal 2/8
Katze Priestess and Mercenary 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players JakeTheWolfie, WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Kai_5, Chloe, Katze, Italy, Mist1422, Jeremy_Gonzalez, Luxy and Geyde, Icibalus 11

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Geyde and Luxy Hippolytus, Marshal 2/8
Katze Priestess and Mercenary 1/8
JakeTheWolfie Kai_5 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players JakeTheWolfie, WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Chloe, Katze, Italy, Mist1422, Jeremy_Gonzalez, Luxy and Geyde, Icibalus 10

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Geyde and Luxy Hippolytus 1/8
Katze Priestess and Mercenary 1/8
JakeTheWolfie Kai_5 1/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Marshal 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players JakeTheWolfie, WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Chloe, Katze, Italy, Mist1422, Jeremy_Gonzalez, Luxy and Geyde, Icibalus, Isaac_Gonzalez 11

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Geyde and Luxy Hippolytus 1/8
Katze Priestess and Mercenary 1/8
JakeTheWolfie Kai_5 1/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Marshal, Luxy and Geyde 2/8
Currently Abstaining Players JakeTheWolfie, WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Chloe, Katze, Italy, Mist1422, Jeremy_Gonzalez, Icibalus, Isaac_Gonzalez 10

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Hippolytus, Isaac_Gonzalez 2/8
Katze Priestess and Mercenary 1/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Marshal, Luxy and Geyde, JakeTheWolfie 3/8
Chloe Kai_5 1/8
Kai_5 Chloe 1/8
JakeTheWolfie Jeremy_Gonzalez 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Italy, Mist1422, Icibalus 6

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Hippolytus, Isaac_Gonzalez 2/8
Katze Priestess and Mercenary 1/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Marshal, JakeTheWolfie 2/8
Chloe Kai_5 1/8
Kai_5 Chloe 1/8
JakeTheWolfie Jeremy_Gonzalez 1/8
Mist1422 Luxy and Geyde 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Italy, Mist1422, Icibalus 6

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Hippolytus, Isaac_Gonzalez, Priestess and Mercenary 3/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Marshal, JakeTheWolfie 2/8
Chloe Kai_5 1/8
Kai_5 Chloe 1/8
JakeTheWolfie Jeremy_Gonzalez 1/8
Mist1422 Luxy and Geyde 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Italy, Mist1422, Icibalus 6

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Hippolytus, Isaac_Gonzalez, Priestess and Mercenary, Jeremy_Gonzalez 4/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Marshal, JakeTheWolfie 2/8
Chloe Kai_5 1/8
Kai_5 Chloe 1/8
Mist1422 Luxy and Geyde 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Italy, Mist1422, Icibalus 6

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Hippolytus, Isaac_Gonzalez, Jeremy_Gonzalez 3/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Marshal, JakeTheWolfie 2/8
Chloe Kai_5 1/8
Kai_5 Chloe 1/8
Mist1422 Luxy and Geyde, Priestess and Mercenary 2/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Italy, Mist1422, Icibalus 6

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez 1/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Marshal, JakeTheWolfie 2/8
Chloe Kai_5 1/8
Mist1422 Luxy and Geyde, Chloe 2/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus 1/8
Priestess Hippolytus 1/8
Hippolytus Priestess and Mercenary 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Italy, Mist1422, Isaac_Gonzalez 6/15

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Hippolytus, Isaac_Gonzalez, Jeremy_Gonzalez 3/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Marshal, JakeTheWolfie 2/8
Chloe Kai_5 1/8
Mist1422 Luxy and Geyde, Priestess and Mercenary, Chloe 3/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Italy, Mist1422, Icibalus 6

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Hippolytus, Isaac_Gonzalez, Jeremy_Gonzalez 3/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Marshal, JakeTheWolfie 2/8
Chloe Kai_5 1/8
Mist1422 Luxy and Geyde, Priestess and Mercenary, Chloe 3/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Italy, Mist1422 5

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez 1/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Marshal, JakeTheWolfie 2/8
Chloe Kai_5 1/8
Mist1422 Luxy and Geyde, Chloe 2/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus 1/8
Priestess Hippolytus 1/8
Hippolytus Priestess and Mercenary 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Italy, Mist1422, Isaac_Gonzalez 6

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez 1/8
Isaac_Gonzalez JakeTheWolfie 1/8
Chloe Kai_5, Marshal 2/8
Mist1422 Luxy and Geyde, Chloe 2/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus 1/8
Priestess Hippolytus 1/8
Hippolytus Priestess and Mercenary 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Italy, Mist1422, Isaac_Gonzalez 6

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez 1/8
Isaac_Gonzalez JakeTheWolfie 1/8
Chloe Kai_5, Marshal, Isaac_Gonzalez 3/8
Mist1422 Luxy and Geyde, Chloe 2/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus 1/8
Priestess Hippolytus 1/8
Hippolytus Priestess and Mercenary 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Italy, Mist1422 5

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez 1/8
Isaac_Gonzalez JakeTheWolfie 1/8
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Mist1422 Luxy and Geyde, Chloe 2/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus, Kai_5, Marshal 3/8
Priestess Hippolytus 1/8
Hippolytus Priestess and Mercenary 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Italy, Mist1422 5

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez 1/8
Isaac_Gonzalez JakeTheWolfie, Luxy and Geyde 2/8
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Mist1422 Chloe 1/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus, Kai_5, Marshal 3/8
Priestess Hippolytus 1/8
Hippolytus Priestess and Mercenary 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Italy, Mist1422 5

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez 1/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Luxy and Geyde 1/8
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Mist1422 Chloe 1/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus, Kai_5, Marshal 3/8
Priestess Hippolytus 1/8
Hippolytus Priestess and Mercenary 1/8
Kai_5 JakeTheWolfie 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Italy, Mist1422 5

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez 1/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Italy 1/8
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Mist1422 Chloe 1/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus, Kai_5, Marshal 3/8
Priestess Hippolytus 1/8
Hippolytus Priestess and Mercenary 1/8
Kai_5 Nuclear_Rehab, Luxy and Geyde, JakeTheWolfie, Katze 4/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Mist1422 2

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez, Hippolytus 2/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Italy 1/8
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Mist1422 Chloe 1/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus, Kai_5 2/8
Hippolytus Priestess and Mercenary 1/8
Kai_5 Nuclear_Rehab, Luxy and Geyde, JakeTheWolfie, Katze 4/8
Nuclear_Rehab Marshal 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Mist1422 2

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez, Hippolytus, Priestess and Mercenary 3/8
Isaac_Gonzalez Italy 1/8
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Mist1422 Chloe 1/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus, Kai_5 2/8
Kai_5 Nuclear_Rehab, Luxy and Geyde, JakeTheWolfie, Katze 4/8
Nuclear_Rehab Marshal 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Mist1422 2

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez, Hippolytus, Priestess and Mercenary 3/8
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Mist1422 Chloe 1/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus, Kai_5 2/8
Kai_5 Nuclear_Rehab, Luxy and Geyde, JakeTheWolfie, Katze, Italy 5/8
Nuclear_Rehab Marshal 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Mist1422 2

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez, Hippolytus, Priestess and Mercenary 3/8
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Mist1422 Chloe 1/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus, Kai_5 2/8
Kai_5 Luxy and Geyde, JakeTheWolfie, Katze, Italy 4/8
Nuclear_Rehab Marshal 1/8
Marshal Nuclear_Rehab 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Mist1422 2

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez, Hippolytus, Priestess and Mercenary, Mist1422 4/8
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Mist1422 Chloe 1/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus, Kai_5 2/8
Kai_5 Luxy and Geyde, JakeTheWolfie, Katze, Italy, Nuclear_Rehab 5/8
Nuclear_Rehab Marshal 1/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza 1

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez, Hippolytus, Priestess and Mercenary, Mist1422 4/8
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Mist1422 Chloe 1/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus, Kai_5 2/8
Kai_5 Luxy and Geyde, JakeTheWolfie, Katze, Italy, Nuclear_Rehab 5/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Marshal 2

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez, Hippolytus, Priestess and Mercenary, Mist1422 4/8
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Mist1422 Chloe 1/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus, Kai_5 2/8
Kai_5 Luxy and Geyde, JakeTheWolfie, Katze, Italy, Nuclear_Rehab, Marshal 6/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza 1

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez, Hippolytus, Mist1422 3/8
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Mist1422 Chloe 1/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus, Kai_5, Priestess and Mercenary 3/8
Kai_5 Luxy and Geyde, JakeTheWolfie, Katze, Italy, Nuclear_Rehab, Marshal 6/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza 1

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez, Hippolytus, Mist1422 3/8
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Mist1422 Chloe, Marshal 2/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus, Kai_5, Priestess and Mercenary 3/8
Kai_5 Luxy and Geyde, JakeTheWolfie, Katze, Italy, Nuclear_Rehab 5/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza 1

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Luxy and Geyde Jeremy_Gonzalez, Hippolytus, Mist1422 3/8
Chloe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Mist1422 Chloe, Marshal 2/8
JakeTheWolfie Icibalus, Kai_5, Priestess and Mercenary, Nuclear_Rehab 4/8
Kai_5 Luxy and Geyde, JakeTheWolfie, Katze, Italy 4/8
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza 1

I have tracked the votes of those who were on the main wagon at eod

Resource for anyone who wants it

Did he have anymore

did it during the night to make some wagon analysis but solely doing that tired me such I concluded only that we need to interact with @Jeremy_Gonzalez more and that other players need to be as proactive as Luxy is being so we can read Luxy

youā€™d have to ISO him but thatā€™s what i remember off of the bat

aaaaa alright

regardless if Jake is scummate to Luxy or not he is hela susp but Priestess apparently only wants to FoS

Following on ā€œJake Badā€

Apparently my tone was different than in a similar game.

However, as they themselves showed with Priestess, this is not a fully reliable method.

Side note priestess is highly likely town here too reading through ici iso

Ima okay with a lynch on him but I dont wanna risking a quicklynch

yeah iciā€™s iso was like 5% katze good, 5% preistess good, 85% jake bad, 5% brexit bad.

1 Like

On another note he barely talks about anyone else than Jake which makes me sad I thought this would be a goldmine

I momentarily forgot merc and priestess were a hydra

Why are there hydras thatā€™s confusing

Marshall scum

oh god oh fuck itā€™s a curse coming

prob more than 5% brexit bad and 5% priestess good

i have like, the slightest feeling that ici died because jake is town and they want to setup a mislynch with his death

but im willing to lynch jake today

Or luxy scum