[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

No, please quickhammer the pin that solves the game.

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
JakeTheWolfie Sulit, JakeTheWolfie, Italy, Priestess and Mercenary, Marshal 5/7
Marshal Hippolytus 1/7
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Mist1422, Jeremy_Gonzalez, Luxy and Geyde, Isaac_Gonzalez 7

l-2 feels a bit menacing

oh fuck its 7 i forgot


Someone unvote

Now I feel better.


l-3 feels a bit less menacing

l-4 feels much less menacing

/vote jake

l-3 is the perfect amount of menacing

1 Like


l-3 feels slightly more menacing

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
JakeTheWolfie Sulit, Italy, Priestess and Mercenary, Marshal 4/7
Marshal Hippolytus 1/7
Currently Abstaining Players WazzaAzza, Nuclear_Rehab, Katze, Mist1422, Jeremy_Gonzalez, Luxy and Geyde, Isaac_Gonzalez, JakeTheWolfie 8

/vote Jake

Frick you (:

jake is being voted and doing the classic give up, but calm while doing so.


why does he want himself lynched and also Not


l-2 feels much more menacing

1 Like

thats on you buddy

im not unvoting

Notice how the thread just crashes whenever Jake enters the thread its frustrating me


I’m the thing that solves the game, but god damn if I’m not going to get my enjoyment from abusing Aretebot while doing it.