[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!


could hammer it now in that case

I mean like im probably unvoting soon for reasons but dont hammer it katze yet

you think you can fool me?

I have the power of actually reading the thread on my side

there’s still some things to discuss

then why are you putting it at L-1

do I self-hammer to spite marshal y/n

check scum chat

it’s called wolf chat


that’s the 2nd TMI you’ve done this game.

just die already imo

im ready for the spiteful self hammer

which is why you should unvote, marshy boy

i mean im gonna unvote soon and go to bed because i don’t need towncred from the wagon but sure

I got a reply notif to this but can’t see it replying to anything


now THIS is TMI :^)

if it’s the post right after than you don’t see the reply

oh okay

/vote Mist


BS you cant self vote

1 Like

dont twilightpost, shush

well at least we have is scumfirmed lmao

Stop talking.

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Mist1422 Luxy, Isaac_Gonzalez, Priestess and Mercenary, Hippolytus, Marshal, Mist1422 6/6
Hippolytus Tangeld, Italy 2/6
Currently Abstaining Players Sulit, Katze, Jeremy_Gonzalez 3

Hammer has been reached. Flip incoming.