[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

i am fully fuckin ready.

depends on if isaac is

you’ll put owo too?

marshal knows he’s wrong

imagine ending off ur posts with :^) owo forever couldn’t be me cuz Italy is scum

Who wants to do the owo bet with me flipping scum

not about the owo.

about the :^)

i will put :^) in every post of mine from now on if katze is somehow v


i don’t think W marshal would say that knowing my alignment for what its worth

clarification because i can’t type: marshal knows isaac’s wrong

ur scum

so who do you think is scum right now go

ur scum


Isaac and Isaac?

that’s too powerful to be a actual scum team so no

i feel like it’s clear i haven’t read the thread with the whole puking out my insides for the past few days thing

are you still sick? just replace out lmao

You dont have to know someones team mate to call them scum

I will never replace out for the sake of my perfect record

just come back when u feel better and replace out

i will never replace out
i must keep a perfect 0 replace record