[VFM] Mountainous 15er - Town wins!

having fun

and what do you find fun in FM

various things but usually socializing

i feel like you haven’t done very much of that this game

although you said you were/are sick

i caught the flu

why didn’t you throw it back

throw what back
the disease?
i can’t fit it in my hand

then how’d you catch it

are you literally asking me how i caught the flu

how do you catch it if it doesn’t fit in your hands

it’s a virus
it’s tiny

Hes part dog. Caught it in his mouth

i just got the joke and i’m disappointed in you kat
and also myself a bit

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wolves are part dog :eyes:

wolves have lost all meaning between game sense and literal sense

or… are dogs part wolf? idk lmao dogs bad cats good

you should, because that was really obvious

jake was and wasn’t a wolf

Schrodinger’s Wolf?

he was a wolf until we took him out of the box
then he was just dead

so what happens when we take you out of your box