[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

I mean town does that frequently when they dislike someone

I’m not saying it’s reliable; I explicitly point out that this read is extremely unreliable not because I’m wrong about there being simmilarities but because Jake’s meta is fundamentally unreliable, but there is enough similarities that I think (weighing up statistics that I have sourced from the Miarse Institute) that he’s likely enough to be a wolf that the policy lynch is worth it for me.

Everything beforehand. You Microread, not Macroread.

…did you miss the thing where I did an entire Iso on you…

Yes, because my Starting post + The eevee interaction is complete.

In any case, in what way are you saying that the posts before your interactions with Eevee should affect my read of said interactions?

How about reading them first. No one post can determine alignment.

Ah yes, because that’s definitely the only thing in said Iso. Sure.

If you’re not going to do a full ISO, then you’re setting yourself up to fail.

reads all of Jake’s posts to do an Iso
Jake: ‘omg why aren’t you reading my posts!!!’

‘did not quote literally every post you made’ =/= ‘did not do a full Iso’

You didn’t respond to practically any of them. I’m going to stop talking about it because we’re not making any progress.

sometimes…when multiple posts were sufficiently related…I addressed both of them at once.

Wild concept, I know.

What do you think arguing about this is achieving?

I’m trying to sort you.

If Eevee were lynched and flipped town, how would that affect your reads?

It wouldn’t.



Eevee is a wolf that I don’t have any associations to link them with.