[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

Might be angleshooting but I wanted to see if they were on to self hammer themselves or if they were in scumchat talking to teammate

Prolly neither of those

@third scum member
now’s probably the time to resign, unless you’d prefer to spend a lot of time here just to lose anyway
Just think about it

They were on to make most fake Sounding slayer gambit claim

i KNEW Shurian’s innate wastefulness was negatively AI

I’m 79% sure now that Mango is prolly town

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Her ISO was over 900 posts in SFoL 53


You got caught
What’s next in your master plan

I agree.

They are resigned, convinced they will be lynched.

I back out my comment that theirs teammate was most likely active at the time.
If it was, they would start valuating chance of Alice misslynch, rather than give up.

Alice or Kyo, considering Kyo wagon was building up to some good size.

Flail like a chicken

Eevee ks Going to defend him on that claim 99%

Oh okay

I’m not, he has no base for the claim like that.

No progression leading for a trick like that.

Gambits have to be executed with plan, not randomly.
I see no such thing here.


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who is mango

Read the playerlist

The tone of this doesn’t feel like he thinks he’s already lost.

No mangos have been spotted. Must be Arete, then.
