[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

:insert monkey head tilt gif:

We were CFDing onto Alice when he made the slip.

i could see it

I’m actually feeling Vul here

or maybe you and shuri


one second

Sigh, why did you have to slip like that?

I could still lynch Alice / Kyo instead.

I’m trying to get Shuri to psyche themselves out

i honestly thing

It was supposed to be content generating
I literally waited till when people are on so I could garner reactions LOL

I don’t do this as scum LEL

flip kyo

he solves this game. regardless of flip

if he flips v i can safely clear magnus in my mind due to the only think having me convinced magnus is w is that kyo is w

that leaves at most 3 people in the poe Alice/Shurian/ and MAYBBE eevee

if he flips scum it has to be magnus

Hi read my scumslip pls


Sad noises

if shurian is scum

i only really see a shurian/alice scumteam thats viable

so kyo flipping literally solves the game without a hitch other than a ML

I believe Shurian is a member of the town.
I have also considered fake scumslipping to get out of this game. I signed up to be an Arsonist.
Not town.

shut the fuck up boomer

Any soft that you was going to do it?
What was your escape plan or was it full slayer / IS gambit?

And my best question is… why?
Why did you think person in your situation should do it?

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