[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

Lovely wallpost you have there. What was the purpose of that?

Kyo goes sort later pile

Ideally we clear up Kyo/Maxi sooner rather than later, but I think rest of thread needs to come in before making anything of it

By post

  1. You are saying that you dont change reasoning unless Its invalid And only add onto it
  2. You say that you didnt change it but added wich means you dont think it was proven invalid
  3. I asked you to defend it And you didnt understand What I was reffering to
  4. You say that you do not know How to defend it And that you are waiting on people thoughts on it
  5. You say that I said Why your reasoning is bad And there is no reason for me to not do that

So you see contradiction?

Can you give thoughts on this and Magnus’s entrance in general

Oh my lord it’s the grammar police everyone run.

Magnus is Magnus, I thought nothing of it. I’d imagine him doing it as both town and mafia, but it’s not mafia or town motivated

Sticking Hja firmly in my townpile as this is pretty much the exact sort of thought process she had difficulty faking as scum.

I shorten my sentences. If you want an example from my town games I can happily provide you with one as I remember Vulgard getting me lynched over it.



I am only responding to meaning of your posts

Hja is town she’s just very misinformed

Leaning Shurian v because tone
It’s completely natural

Now I’ve got to go respond to the other 4 bulletpoints

I dont see How this is relevant

/vote Kyo

For after flips:
Kyo/Magnus is very likely a thing if one flips w


It wasn’t proven invalid. You actually haven’t done anything to change my mind so far.

There is zero way to defend reasoning here without adding other reasoning which is what I have done, which is why I am asking what do you expect me to do when the only other reasoning that could potentially be brought up is Maximus did it to look productive which I disagree with? Hello?

Yes, why would I not want you to try and voice your opinion?

I cycle through my points getting discussion on them. If one is disregarded, I bring up another one until I’m out of reasoning of why I think someone has done something that I don’t agree with.

If people aren’t willing to listen to me there is no point in continuing the discussion because nothing will get done.

You can for example say Why your reasoning isnt bad