[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

Well I never called unicorns unicorns before I learned that they are in fact called unicorns

Don’t lynch alice they are LHF this game


just two things for the future. Remember to not mention ur replace in chat, and don’t talk after you replaced. Otherwise no problems from me


Firekitten you a emperically wrong.

MU new players are called LHF BY THE SITE ITSELF :man_facepalming:

Also maybe this will make people dislike me, but I have an entirely antithetical opinion to eevee on the topic of resignation.

If every scum member alive unanimously believes that it is 100% impossible for them to win the game, they should have the right to resign if they vote unanimously to do so.

Maybe others feel different, but I do not find the game fun when it’s unwinnable and I know it’s unwinnable. It’s the same reason why the game ends at parity instead of continuing on pointlessly to the eradication of town. Scum have always had the right to resign on MU and that will never change there. I hope it doesn’t here either.


Thank you for proving my point case closed

Me when I have low posted

Then go ahead and open up a thread on MU asking for it to be defined and then get rekt by everyone on that forum

And people who make 200 posts are suddenly bandwagoners
That’s not how it works

LHF can be new players, or people playing poorly as town

anyone can be LHF.

mu is fuckin dumb

This is MU evidence

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Apparently spamming shit posts gets you the GOAT name

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If the right to resign gets removed I’ll just instead stop posting in the thread.
If we can’t win there is zero point dedicating time towards it.

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I’m literally the GOAT Luxy the forum literally told me I was

How do I get the soulreader title

You can’t deny the evidence


You can win

You just lost cause you didn’t try

It’s your fault for giving up

Never give up

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This is call for scum to try to learn and get more confidence in that department
This shouldn’t happen again