[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

Well, assuming you’re actually scumreading me. From what I can tell I ping you both ways just like Kyo pings me.

It feels like you are overdoing it because you want to look towny at this point tbh

…Wait. Were you talking about Sulit there?

I was talking about you
I liked your tone

Just look at how I phrased ‘the one thing that worries me’

Yes, you were.
Sorry, I became illiterate for a few minutes.

I don’t care. Even if I get mislynched, as much as I wouldn’t like that, I am going to spew as many people as I can as potential scum and you can’t stop me.

Stop destroying My towncore by making Wolfy posts

I’m pretty sure I should have a more solid read on Kyo later on, I’m just not convinced enough to sway to one side yet.

By that I mean later today, because obviously I’m not going to bank on surviving until Day 2. That’s stupid.


I wanted to take this game more seriously, I would have opened with a meme but I decided against it

Didn’t have a strongest scumread, I wanted to be able to interact with people first.

I didn’t know you were scumreading him tbh[quote=“Vulgard, post:732, topic:78852, full:true”]
Also the ‘I melded with Geyde sooo many times so he’s light town’ feels really forced. Why not give an example? :<

Because there was a ton of instances this happened as I was reading up. It was a thing I noticed overtime, not something I remembered to quote. It’d be excessive if I did that tbh[quote=“Geyde, post:738, topic:78852”]
How they handled Arete’s slot
They agree with my point but bend over backwards to keep them at null

You’re bending my words around

I agreed with your point but it wasn’t enough for me to stop scumreading him.

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My quuuuooootes

Have quotes on different lines
That’ll fix it

What was the meme you wanted to open with


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Probably a picture from my large folder of memes

Stealing this image for personal use in later games.


He is straight from avatar the wordbender


I don’t know what that is but ok
