[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

Longer games usually have a significantly more dense population of fluff than in turbos
It results in the egregiously high post counts of CoC, LotRFM, and SFoL 53

Leems legit :wolf:

I think marshal was the reason for the high posts

I was saving this for the game, but eh

If anybody does one of the following things during d1, I will ruthlessly tunnel their slot with the intent to lynch. Trying to avoid or attack me for this warning will also get you tunneled.

  • Fluffposting after post 150
  • Readslists; PoE is fine and will not get tunneled
  • AtE of any kind
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time to post a meme at post 151

/vote MaximusPrime

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let’s get signups to past 150

Just a little?

What about ISO Readlists?

Seems legit

Taking the data from Sandbox IV, we have 230 total posts in a span of 2 hours = 120 minutes. As the phase is 15/7, we can change the amount of time during the day to 2/3 (80 minutes or 1 hour and 20 minutes) to remove the night phase of the game.

Removing the total posts of 57 (the ones I made as the host) leaves us with 174 posts. Removing the post-game of 22 and we get 152 posts in total over a 80 minute period of 6 players.

Divide 152 / 6 and we get 25 posts per player. Considering a day phase lasts 48 hours we can double that number to 2 hours and 40 minute commitment (1 hour and 20 per day) and we achieve 50 posts per day phase per player per 2 hours 40 minutes.

Times 50 x 15 (due to the setup amount of player) and we achieve 750 posts per day phase, and that’s discounting fluff posts that you cannot put in turboes and you have to think quick.

I’m inevitably going back on what I had drafted up because it’s too constrictive
Villa will always fluffpost a bit
ISOs are gray area

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I’ve definitely broken something here but 750 posts is a reasonable number.

This game will easily get 3000 due to the sheer POWER of town

Did you mean

due to the sheer SHEEPING of town

If we have any mathematicians on this forum then feel free to correct me.
Until I’m corrected I’m convinced this game will not be shorter than 2000 posts unless the game ends before Night 4.

Time to spam the thread with AtE the minute D2 starts

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Sheeping is a power that only town can do due to sheer BDE

Bock & Doll Etorture

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I mainly wanted to make sure that scum didn’t have an easy time sinking into thread
D1 is the most important day for ruining scum later on

I like how this sentence just turned into


Maybe I’m not burned out it’s just 10k posts causes me to die inside