[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

I meant that the way he talks about Vulgard did have a tinge of a TMI-y feel.

His vote on Marshall looks to have been a follow-up of their previous interactions.

We are about a whole day from EoD, so we still have a lot of time to hammer Jake.

I know but a no lynch d1 would make me die inside

Could you link me some of their scumgames that show your point in action

@Maxwell has replaced in for @Marshal. Do Not Discuss why people replaced out

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Don’t think we’d NL in this player-base.


Kai is fucking obvtown
What have I been smoking

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I’ll be upfront and say my WiM has totally plummeted. I’ll try my best to deliver reads but don’t expect me to nail the entire scum team

LotR - Quickly jumped on Boss’ wagon out of the sudden.
Ninjas and Guns - Was pretty quick to jump onto villa wagons as we kept mislynching this entire game.
Forum of Lies 16 pre-reroll - Quickly hard-bussed Frost when he was being wagoned. When I remarked on the speed he voted Frost he claimed a red-check on him.

A red rolecard.


No idea if anybody has pointed it out yet (because I’m still reading), but this feels extremely forced.
I’m eager to see what he does with that read though.

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i appreciate the obv town read but any reason why?

it was forced, eevee was throwing a hissy fit at that point in thread

I hope you both have individual reasons to do this other than ‘Geyde did it.’

Also hi Maxwell.

Solid progression on a vote with reasoning that isn’t stretching to come up with a reason to justify its existence

Yet more progression that isn’t forced and actually comes to a decent conclusion for the game

I leave the truthtelling and pelt discussion as mostly NAI
It’s just confidence, that he doesn’t have to do unless he’s trying to WiFoM after flips

This is way too performative to not be town!Kai

/vote KyoDaz
I’m going to let Maxwell post a bit then reevaluate my read on the slot. See what it holds

Alright, I know the thread’s kind of moved on but @JakeTheWolfie here’s the Iso you asked for.

Jake Iso

Opener here seems NAI.

I’m super torn here between ‘this is super scummy, he basically wants to know who he can lynch/mislynch,’ ‘this is super scummy because he’s overexplaining a VC request,’ and ‘this has to be TWTBAW.’

This comes at the bottom of the Marshal Iso on Vul, in which he basically just says that he agrees with all of Marshal’s points and doesn’t provide any new content. I don’t like his (lack of) analysis or independent thought here.

THIS IS DIRECTED AT EEVEE. PAY ATTENTION TO THAT FACT. Question also feels bad, particularly if Kai is V, as it basically feels like ‘give me a reason to vote this person so that you’re the one associated with the flip.’

After a vote on Kai. Would potentially come back to this later depending on flips.

This is in response to Geyde’s question about having several potential scumteams. First instinct here was ‘wolfy question, he wants to know if he’s being suspected’ but I’m pretty sure I’m just confbiasing myself there.

KEEP THIS IN MIND. He just went from what looks like faith that Eevee’s read is worth listening to ‘I don’t like Eevee,’ which could be fine in and of itself but watch his progression here.

Pretty sure this is NAI, considering who it’s coming from.


His response to being voted by Geyde.


this thought process makes no sense from a villager perspective

Basically NAI response.

If Eevee is Jake’s top scumread, why does he care about whether Eevee looks scummy? Like, from the perspective of a V!Jake reading Eevee W, he shouldn’t want Eevee to look less scummy, that doesn’t make sense (particularly given the “look” phrasing).


If Jake flips W this feels like TMI that Eevee is town.

Jake posting :wolf: emojis in his posts is a mild scumtell of his.

I hate his Eevee progression so much.

If Jake flips W this is probably more TMI on Eevee being town. Also, NOTE THAT HE’S BACK TO READING EEVEE TOWN (even if he then denies it).

This is a direct response to Sulit’s question.

And this is a direct response to my nearly-identical question, which is like four posts later. Perspective here is totally different than the one taken in the last post to a question asking basically the same thing.

And now he “never” thought Eevee was town, even though his reaction to Eevee’s vote on Kai shows at least some trust in him and the thing where his response to the first “why do you think he’s town” didn’t deny it at all.

Unfortunately ATE is NAI for Jake.

Feels like he’s stealing terminology he wouldn’t normally use to discredit the push on him.
ugh, this is just confbias at this point.

I hate this thought process but it could come from V!Jake

“please give me towncred I did an Iso”

No it’s not, you literally didn’t give any reasons.

Night and day difference from Clash of Cults, where he quickly declared Derps to be scum pushing him (as well as scumreading several other of his voters) and at least somewhat different from FoL 22 (where he at least declared Priestess and Kape scum for pushing him. Here he’s not taking a stance, he’s questioning who we would want to lynch.

also, “If”

Noticed during the CoC Iso that he demanded this there as well, at this point I think demanding anyone scumreading him Iso him is basically NAI via meta.

tl;dr Scumreading Jake at the moment based on his horrible progression + TMI on Eevee and his general lack of contributing things. Basically, V!Jake is usually LHF due to taking strong bad stances and getting incorrectly scumread on the basis that said stances are bad. Here he’s not really taking stances at all, apart from the Eevee one.

Then again, not sure I’ve literally ever read him correctly, so Who Knows.

RM3 vibes hit hard

Town leader Kai agrees with you.