[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

Eevee. Policy Lynching because of OOG reasons is never a town thing to do.

i honestly really hope i’m right here with my reads
i think i could finally fall myself a level 2 player if i’m right

You have just said Eevee was town.

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Eevee pushing me for oog reasons is entirely NAI

And I said they were scum. When are you going to take my most recent answer as valued?

didn’t expect the third reich to show up

can we not

thank you

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This is an openwolfing slot.

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Geyde also hopped on that train too.


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By the way, if anyone is wondering what I consider to be my strongest town performances, both by far were on MU a long while ago. Both of these games were carried by Alice, who was probably town MVP in both of them, but in both games I was LHF’d very early and managed to work my way out of that and contribute towards the town victory a great deal.

As evidenced by FoL 23, my scum game has probably changed and improved a lot since I joined this site, but I don’t really feel like my town game has changed that much, if at all.


Top three townreads, top three scumreads, go.

I guess you forgot to add a wolf there.
Don’t worry, most ConfBiasers take jokes as gospel fact.

You’re not getting useful associations off of this in a practical sense

I think my mind is completely set on Jake being scum. He knows what he is doing is anti-town, and yet he continues doing it.

This is not a town mindset. If he is town he must be throwing.

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yea but
why would Jake openwolf?

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Some of this stuff is approaching the kind of throwing that got Isaac perma-blacklisted, if he’s town, of course.

Marshal, Kai, Maxwell

Eevee, Vulgard, Geyde

Like please like not talk about touchy subjects like that please