[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

I will throw your will into an incinerator this is not a fluff post because Kai is SCUM

Everyone else knowing i’m fool: :popcorn:

Emojis are anti town due to them faking emotion

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as the cohost im allowed

you should have gone for the head


I claim doused !!!

No real Fool would claim Fool!


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I’m no fool, you fool~ Blep

the whole scumteam turns to dust

I am the fool
I’ve gathered the 6 infinity stones

with a snap of my fingers, marson will be replaced with fool royale


Foolnite Battle Royalche

id be willing to play an infinity war themed fm


End him

that would seem fun

what about @Hippolytus

give Thanos an action that kills half of living BD

Flips Masochist

Before the beginning of everything, there was nothing.
This null, lack of existence was predicated on the concept that there was nothing to exist, to thrive
Its presence runs counter to all that lives, all that attempts to survive

That is this post

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if he gathers all six infinity stones he instantly wins as that was his goal