[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

Can you provide me with any other wolf games of hers besides the color wheel game I provided?

And I generally know how people interact with people who are at a simmilar experience level as her. If you were a wolf with her, you’d feel the need to create a v read and justify it repeatedly, wouldn’t you, because she has high thread presence and powerwolfs.

This is just logic. The wolves have to villageread at least one other wolf or they lose, and they’re bound to strongly villageread their strongest wolf, which is something that’s not happening here. How many people are in the wings hard-villagereading Alice whenever somebody suggests she’s null?

Hold on, let me dig up Fire Emblem Fates Mash.

So let me get this straight, Ici. Are you under the impression that Alice’s posts so far have been NAI? The fact you’re not using her posts to townread her suggests you don’t think what she said was particularly alignment indicative.

Got it https://forum.imperium42.com/t/fire-emblem-fates-fm-in-the-white-light-town-wins/70213

You read L3s using unconventional methods because they’re unreadable by tone and generally keep their TMI under wraps.

I have reason to believe this and Color wheel were the only scum games she’s ever played in.
Both should be analyzed, although Color wheel is probably more relevant as it’s a year more recent, and metas can change.

Tell me, Maxwell, how would you interact with Alice if you were on a wolfteam with her?

I would bus them

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eevee this isn’t about a madlad like you

I would either bus them, shade them, or make sure I interacted with them as little as legally possible.

I would nightkill them.

really? I’d find the most elaborate way possible to call them village and then make that read mutual, and then go and rock the village

And claim herovig shot

i haven’t analyzed Alice’s scum game yet. I have no reason to believe it’s as strong as her town game.

trust me
it is

They wallpost as scum

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The reason why is that you’ve blatantly forgotten about another wolf game she had on MU, where she went to F3 as lockvilla.

I wasn’t in that one so i would not have familiarity with it

Ici is badly pinging me despite my townread but I have no idea where the pings are coming from.

Maybe I don’t understand what he says or I’m getting paranoid of misclearing him.

It’s probably the latter.