[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

He rolled town and died sometime and then lost in clown fiesta

well he did ISO as scum in that game

Pretty sure he lived and won as town in NFoL 4

He died night 4 as town and barely lost in HoB III because Possessed didn’t think properly at the end

He won neutral showdown 2 although there was no town or scum, you just had to be one of the last 3 of 16 neuts alive

he never has claimed scum as scum before

Not sure what he rolled in SFoL 46 but he was in that before the game was canned

I need to re-read newest articles So I can get My power lvl back

I think he was scum in SFoL 50? That game was super hard to follow

Found one more scum game from him: Zombie Arapocalypse

:frowning: nope. he has zero posts in that thread

his slot is marked as scum, but maybe he swapped out pre-game

NO, jake definitely flipped . . . https://forum.imperium42.com/t/fm-zombie-arapocalypse-mafia-game-thread-canned/77752/6204


he just decided not to post

Nah must be a different jake lmao
He has 0 posts in the signup thread as well
So yes that’s everything i could find

Jake was scum and won in SFoL 00, SFoL 53, and (i think?) SFoL 50
He was town and won in FoL 22, Paint Your Mafia, NFoL 3, Clash of Cults, and NFoL 4.
He was town and lost in FoL 23 (where he subbed in for a Priest), clown fiesta, and HoB III.
He won as neut in neut showdown ii.
He has never lost as scum.

this post is fake

this one too

Short Fuse IV