[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

Also, Jake’s ISO this game is simmilar in content to SFoL00- Mostly short, meme-y posts punctuated by those weird protracted multiple semi-serious maybe posts with occasional weird content sprinkled inbetween.

let’s hammer jake later today. he’s so valueless as town and he’ll never die otherwise i don’t consider this having much risk at all.
/vote JakeTheWolfie

I’m not saying we only ever lynch inactives; that’s counterproductive. But D1 it’s worth far more to lynch somebody in the Magnus/Jake/Maxi range because they won’t die otherwise.

Maxi miiiiight die given the right circumstances
Magnus and Jake absolutely never will

He claimed wolf here like in his 1 other village game but never have done that as wolf

There’s a school of thought on MU that on D1 you should always lynch the hardest to read bad player in Mountainous, actually. I’m tempted to follow it, but this is marson so we’re already fucked in terms of the villagers giving information.

That dosen’t exactly prove anything, though, does it?

Ici was pretty much just ignoring the Jake wagon until I proposed we CFD onto him, and now suddenly we have to lynch Jake.

/CFDs harder onto Ici

I mean wolves dont Usually claim wolves

also I swear in his 3 posts in ZA he claimed wolf, but i wouldn’t blame you for forgetting that

That is undoubtedly jake
I don’t care what someone’s alignment is, if they are incredibly hard to read precisely because they suck immensely, they should die

I’m not proposing lynching Jake directly, if you’ll notice I’m musing the possibility while implying that lynching me is an awful idea

That’s a worse look for you because it feels like you’re trying to avoid responsibility if it ends up being a mislynch.

sigh I’d need to see a v!Jake ISO to be sure. hold on.

that was all fake though. I disagree with your reasoning ici
No one is impossible to read. No one

He was the one Who put himself as wolf?

Lynching someone just because they suck in general is nowhere near sufficient

Which is why you’ll notice that I’m still fucking trying to figure out Jake’s allignment.

Even though we have to lynch someone today, such a thing can’t end at such a bafflingly shallow level of thought

then iso a past town game of his