[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

Accused Voters Votes
Geyde Vulgard 1/8
Arete Eevee 1/8
Ici Geyde, Arete, Kai, Jake, Maxwel, Sulit, Hja 7/8
Jake Icibalus 1/8

@eevee @Shurian choo chooo

@KyoDaz @Alice @Vulgard @Shurian @eevee @MaximusPrime @Magnus
Someone please hammer. If anyone wanted to do anything else tonight they would have been active here already. I’d just prefer for day 2 to start earlier. I’ve done a great deal of work today and done all that I can. Everyone has the power to analyze interactions and iso’s n1 should they want to. Thanks

i’d like to just be able to go to sleep now without having to worry about whether or not this hammer will be secured.

One more thing – As I compiled Kai’s ISO, i was kind of digging it.
I didn’t really notice any post out of place or odd sounding.
He was fully brash and brazen, just as I am familiar with him as town.

End the day, please! We desperately need a flip no matter what the flip is and only a hammer can give us one.

guess i have to stay up then. hopefully at least one of these seven people sees the thread before EoD

Shouldn’t hammer be at 7, not 8?

7 times 2 is 14, 15 players, half is 7.5, rounded up is 8

no it’s 8
it’s number of people alive / 2 rounded down + 1

For some reason I thought there was 12 people, carry on

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Totally unrelated thought: it’s a correct read but I don’t like how quickly the thread arrived on reading me V. Maybe this is just my last few games talking but autoclearing me is weird and I don’t think it was 100 percent natural.

To be honest you should be closer to null for me. I’ve put zero effort into reading your slot

I guess why i haven’t prioritized ISO’ing you day 1 is that you’ve never been a significant threat to me when we’ve been opposite alignments, at least not yet.

I don’t read you as V at all

Have you been in any of my scum games? SFoL 51 aside, since I converted you N1.

what other scum games do you remember playing in? if named i could tell you instantly if I was in them

SF4, LotR, EFoL 3, I think that’s it outside turbos.

None of the above

you’re on the wagon I’m pushing