[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

third party neighborizer+orcalizer

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14/2 = 7

add one

majority is n/2 rounded down + 1
not half

half exactly is not a majority so it cannot hammer

note i did not take clown festa seriously at all.

i played it his clown fiestas should be played

We just spent like 10 posts fixing this vc
Keep that to rolecards for the future



I got confused with a different game

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oh i have most posts now apparently
Never had that before save for FoL 23 where I was MM and just powered through

Sulit stating that they want a push on me/Shurian more than a push against Ici when voting as ~7th vote on Ici feels out of place for a wolf to say.

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I’ll take your silence as not having any objections and just assuming that I am 100% right in all manners and literally the god of this game

/vote Alice

Interactions with Ici are looking really bad for her at the moment and Kyo is difficult enough to read that V!Kyo is kind of viable.

This is namely why I think Alice could be scum
It’s a weak read, but not one that actually engages with the content of Alice. It instead relies upon the false notion that thread hasn’t been talking about Alice = Alice town. This is wrong because Alice hadn’t posted more in thread, and as such thread (dominated by villagers at this point because the lynch on Ici went through) didn’t engage with them.

The way they end the read with feeling that it’s too simplistic is just fake.
If I really soulread into it, being much more cautious about how you read your teammates which you had no progression on beforehand comes from scum v scum pairings.

This is me comparing it to how he handled reading my slot v, which came in extremely short bursts

Moreover, Ici absolutely HATES engaging with his partners (see SFoL 49 and TvB for best examples, where they completely ignored their scummates for the entire time they were alive).

Here’s a more fleshed out analysis of Ici/Alice from Ici’s side that I did while eating lunch

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Here’s the main thing I thought that actually sticks out as good thinking about it now

Linked is an example of him reading a fellow scummate as town in NDFM

i really don’t want to split town votes in this game state, Kyo being put at l-4 should put pressure on a scummate to do something if he is scum

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If you don’t post content in the next three hours, I will shank

Good move.
Can I vote Kyo?

The three people I think are most likely to be wolves are all basically MIA.