[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

Not really insulting, but trying to throw them in heavy emotional state.

Bit different.
But yes, was planned thing, so not really matching your theory.

/vote Monokumalice

I see way too many similarities between this game and Alice’s past scum game ISO’s that I spent 12 hours compiling, even though she insists this is different to me – she is an incredibly deadly deepwolf and because of this i want her slot dead now.

The game would be resigned by now if the core of our PoE was entirely correct – it’s just not possible that we don’t have one power deepwolf.

Do i think others in this game can lead the town well besides her? Yes.
Do I think that if she’s a deepwolf she can be stopped if she get’s to later in the game when all the best scumhunters are dead? Hell no.

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I’m not gonna lead town, forget it. :^)

if you want me to provide specific examples of key similarities between this game’s ISO and her past scum game ISO’s, let me know; I would happily oblige.

I want you to provide specific examples of key simlarities between this game’s ISO and her past scum game ISO’s, letting you know, be happy to oblige.

i’ll do so tomorrow, need to sleep

anyone can look at that stuff if they wanted to and see for themself. i did spend 12 hours compiling all of it

Don’t offer something you don’t want to do ;/

i do want to, im just exhausted atm (been up for about 30 hours)

They are in our PoE though

Vote Count:

Accused Voters Count
KyoDaz Kai_5, Magnus 2/8
Magnus Arete, Shurian, Vulgard, Sulit 4/8
Shurian Alice, Geyde 2/8
Alice Maxwell 1/8

@ me if I missed any

Kyo/Magnus/Alice/Eevee/Jake/Shurian is a perfect PoE here
Scum literally can’t get past it

What we should be focusing on is the people in the towncore at this point in order to iron out any potential deepwolves

Thinking Maxwell is right here, I looked through Alice’s Iso and there’s a few things there that stood out to me as particularly wolfy. I haven’t seen the Color Game, so this is just based on her Iso here rather than meta.

Relevant Alice Posts

This is the post I was looking at earlier and thinking was indicative of wolf theater given Ici’s flip as she never follows up or pressures Ici after making this read, nor interacts with him at all – she talks about how much she “wants to lynch” him but then mostly only interacts with Geyde.

Here she again states that an Ici wolfteam is plausible but once again she never pressures Ici nor interacts with him at all.

Quoting this here mostly for comparison with a later readlist.

Kind of feeling a lack of village motivation in this read on Jake, to be honest. Given the position wolves are in after Ici’s flip they’re basically forced to destroy the towncore as otherwise they just straight-up lose through sheer PoE and Ici’s spew (more notably the parts of the spew before the self-pres, to be honest) pretty clearly spews Jake as V. I could kind of see not wanting to 100 percent townlock him off of that but this read just feels like she needs to keep someone out of the towncore and went with the one she could come up with the most plausible argument for.

The fact that she immediately jumps to that particular accusation rather than any of the other reasons people had for scumreading her kind of feels like TMI about her TMI, to be honest – like, she recognizes that she did actually have TMI there, and so that stands out to her as a more “legitimate” accusation that she needs to defend herself from.

This post is fine on its own but see below.

Still not liking her insistence on scumreading Jake here.

Also, her read on Sulit changed drastically and she doesn’t really explain why – she’s part of my towncore too, but it’s weird how she jumps so much from earlier.

This is a weird assertion in conjunction with the vote/push on Shurian – like, she clearly is trying to push a lynch here.

/vote Alice


Overall, this is built in a way completely different than they ever have built a townread case on a fellow wolf based off of NDFM

I’d say almost guaranteed v

Do me a favor and read #2291 for threadstate context and then #2293. If I’m a wolf here I basically decided to totally abandon a Jake lynch for no reason (assuming Jake V) and CFD onto my level 3 wolfbuddy.

Moreover, the way they go about putting off the Ici seems like it must be done at some point from their POV, which draws a lot of attention to the read itself
That’s not how Ici handles his partners

I’m focusing most on associations with Ici from their side because a busser is the only place where any deepwolf could be

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