[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

I’m saying that mostly because I don’t see a reason for town!Jake to even care here. He wasn’t townreading Shurian before as far as I remember, and he wasn’t even trying to defend himself day 1, so clearly his WiM is low.

And yet when the thread wants to lynch Shurian, he asks questions about it, as if he does not want the lynch to happen over Magnus. I think that’s pretty telling.

… Not going to lie, for all I was clearing Jake, this feels like hella TMI if Shurian flips W.

Do you have a dayvig?

Yes, it’s called my vote. :upside_down_face:

Okay. I’m sad now.
I really think we should just maj here. The case against Shurian is airtight and I don’t see particularly strong reasons to defend him.
And then I would like to lynch Jake for reasons I have just stated. Magnus is obviously still PoE but I don’t think he should be lynched over these two.

basically my thoughts other than Kyo also PoE

Honestly, at this point we basically can’t lose if we lynch someone in the PoE every day.

@Kyodaz @Shurian @Magnus @Jakethewolfie

Since at least some of you have to be town: please start producing content we can use to sort you. If you are one of the townies in this group, making it easier for the rest of us to read you can only benefit us.

Okay then, A.M.A

What are your thoughts on the thread right now?

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Why do you always slank regardless of alignment?


What is love?

Do you have any concerns regarding the towncore?

The reason why is because I have no motivation

Level of Violence

baby don’t hurt me

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How do you feel about the Shurian lynch? Would you be willing to vote Shuri to help us get to 8?

i’m not happy with a shurian lynch

it provides zero shit to go off of.

kyo gives associations at least

I don’t like to trust the one who made the towncore.

I don’t know why anyone thinks Shurian is wolf, but if need be, yeah i’ll do it.