[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

The opposite way around.

It’s very consistant with how Vulgard handles his scummates.

I’ve been trying to let Eevee guide me around and see where he goes, but I haven’t spotted anything obvious about how him doing it is wolfy

That being said


Kyo trying to derpclear himself is entirely NAI. Him heel turning his case is not something he ever does as scum

In the september light game, Alice slanked a huge majority of the game and her mafia team swept after town failed on Day 3 MyLo.

His entire focus this game has been to clear himself
It’s consistent with his behavior

In the color wheel game, she was incredibly active and boldly accusational when she was in the game day 2. She singlehandedly ensured a mislynch that day when there was a good chance it wouldn’t have otherwise happened.

You know Alice can’t be metaread easily considering they state their behavior the moment you ask

point im making is she’s utterly deadly as scum in mid/late game.
She seems to be pretty unbeatable as scum in vanilla/mountainous in general and her posting habits here do match her past MU scum play more than they do her past village play IMO.

yeah and i disagreed with her claim with this game being more similar to her town play than scum play
Anyone can be metaread. it’s just harder with some than others

You know Alice can’t be feasibly metaread. They can state their meta with ease and have done so in the past

Expecting similar behavior here if they are scum is asinine


My b


Just never let them out of PoE
Problem solved

Yes, they can state their meta and claim in various ways this game being more like her village than wolf games.

Just because you state you’re unreadable doesn’t mean you’re actually right, and just because you claim that this game’s play from you is more similar to your past town play than past scum play, or that the two are indistinguishable, doesn’t mean that is correct.

And that’s AI because

I strongly believe this game contains signs of scum play from alice. I have explained specifically why earlier in the thread.

You’re voting them to prove them wrong
Not because you actually believe

That is not AI. That’s not what i’m saying

What i’m saying is that I find her posting habits in this thread more similar to her past scum games than her past town games, even though she claims otherwise.

No. I do truly believe.
I see similarities that she just doesn’t exhibit in town games.


We both know Maxwell is town, lets just sheep him and see what happens.