[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

Well, I don’t have your metas, so I may be in a situation where I’m really having that lack on insight, (my FOV is limited, whatever)

I can do the same things as scum when I need to. I didn’t OMGUS onto the towncore, I suggested a possibility of them being deep scum. I mean, seriously >_> Did I explain something wrong or something


Let’s unite on one wagon.

We could vote Jake to utlize Alice vote as well, that would put Jake at 4.

And I still have no idea why we let Jake live after yesterday slip, so while not a prime vote, I would like to have them eliminated.

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i did it because compiling ISO’s here makes them a lot easier to read for people on mobile
And also because Alice never plays scum on i42, or at least not anytime even remotely recent, so players needed a resource
If you couldn’t tell, I’m a very self meta kind of reader

I’m in complete agreement Eevee.
Let’s lynch someone.

I dunno about that, why Jake? I don’t think I’ve even seen him in the thread yet

Mostly cause he is in PoE for me and already have one vote other than ours.

Somebody once told me the world revolves around me, I’m banging my head on my table

(Btw no offensive things.)

Day ends in 2 Hours and 10 Minutes

Me am like

Looks back at Looming

What’s the Ici thing tho
What’s his meta thingy?

/CFD back to Shurian


Thinking Kyo is the lynch tomorrow regardless of how this flips, to be completely honest.

Jake is like… he plaied terribly day 1, but Ici interacted with him and people think Ici doesnt interact with scummates.

Use /vote if you want to vote.

Metas are stupid and should be thrown into a fire :3

“I too, like to self meta” said the scum player

please end the day.
@Arete @Alice @Vulgard @JakeTheWolfie @MaximusPrime
just vote shurian. They posted here something blatantly intended for scum chat and admitted to it with an instant reaction.
Their posts have been utterly wasteful the entire game which is undeniably negatively AI for them. Their ISO was over 900 posts in SFoL 53 and much more helpful there.

Is this a vote? Make sure you include vote…

Luxy beat me to it

I’ll strongly consider it tomorrow

My top lynches are like Vulgard, Arete and Jake.

Funny how I’m going exactly against the towncore for most people.

/vote Shurian
