[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

Shes very Busy with IRL stuff atm

Only reason she was still in the PoE tbh.

Alice will machine gun back LOL

Ive seen it once. It was scary.

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im really happy with how i preformed, probably my best reads all career

Ace Attorney FM mutual deathtunnel :^)


Alice was LHF in this setup.
I even tried to defend her D1 start because of it.
I thought people’d be paranoid it only takes one arsonist alive to wipe the whole town, and therefore be suspicious of Alice if they can’t find scum.

I tried REALLY hard to ML Alice in FoL 20 and I saw the fury that comes from when they don’t want to be lynched


That’s not what LHF is.

lhf is scummy town that scum tends to push due to the virtue of a free kill

lynch low kill high is a good motto for newb!scum

she’ll always exhibit that kind of fury, even as scum
It’s amazing how difficult it is to read her via self meta
I do believe it is still possible, although I clearly failed to do so this game.

LHF = Margaret
How she doing now?


I want to thank you for the ‘rather than trying to just catch all the Mafia, make a towncore and lynch outside it’ piece of advice you gave a couple weeks ago; that was super useful.


Hath no fury like a woman scorned,

in this case, being myslynched

Yes it is

Low hanging fruit is going for the fruit that is easiest to grasp

Mislynching Alice was easier this game

Thus low hanging fruit



Low Hanging Fruit is a new player, or players who have consistently proven themselves to not try and therefore, are easy mislynches.


laughtrack pl;ays

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We good.

They still didn’t found the pattern.


Mislynchable =/= LHF

Anyway I’ll come back to this game in a day or three to prove a point
