[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

And by that I don’t mean ‘leave our forums, GG bye lmao.’ I’m just saying you shouldn’t play games that rely on teamwork to some extent if your mindset is ‘I’ll do whatever even if it’s against my wincon, I don’t care.’
If that’s not your mindset, then there are many ways to prove it.

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Perhaps a Grand Idea?


@JakeTheWolfie I hope you’re listening to me. If you don’t care, then… well. It’s not like I can force you to care. But I would seriously encourage not playing forum mafia anymore if you don’t want to do things differently. You are just going to get banned at this rate because your play will go too far one day.

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There are worse fates then being banned

For example getting WOTM’d constantly

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Lol, I had the same idea about a week ago.

RIP u know who

I don’t actually

Lymphoma they were kinda wotm out of like one games signups cause they were like gamethrowing too many times. Havent been back since other than like a misc

What is WOTM? Worst Of The Month?

Wisdom of the mod


If there is a game where there’s no rules, I would quote entire Spongebob Episodes whether it’s during the night phase or I’m dead… But yeah, we shouldn’t have a game without rules

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Wisdom of the mod

gladiate the Priest
dayvig the conftown
slankvig the town
Margaret strats


Perhaps maybe not entirely void of rules, but only have enough rules to not have the game go entirely into chaos

Because Spongebob is legendary

Have you read what I said? Right now I’m leaning toward ‘no’ or ‘you don’t care.’ Well, that’s disappointing if true. I was looking forward to seeing you improve and change your mindset. :frowning:

you know you have to get the game past review Jake for it to run

I’m vetoing that setup 10/10 times and others will too