[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

ily vul

take that how you will

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I was asleep for the last ~800 posts in the game that’s why I kinda stopped posting.
Also because I was confident our PoE was good, and it was.

Finding Alice town was one good thing I did
Clearing Ici as ‘tunneling villager’ was one shitty thing I did
I guess it evens out


This reminds me of a quote from a game

you made yourself obvious town really early which was good for PoE reasons

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“hmmm… over lv9, huh. that’s over halfway to lv20, the maximum. but don’t think that means you’re still 50-percent good. 50-percent, 20-percent. those are both still failing grades. besides. chances are… i’ve already tried to steer you in the right direction. so what can i say? what can i say that will change the mind of a being like you…“

Not meant to make you feel bad

I just thought of it

I can’t wait for Old Ruins to end so I can talk about that.

I have no idea how I caught that

Max was town and I was right

still right

I actually still have no idea what happened there with these votes.


My pattern of ‘my shortest reads are my most accurate reads’ continues. I have no idea how I’m supposed to make this work in future games.

he was leveling and trying to build a fake association.
This was surprisingly accurate.


short reads = accurate reads
How am I supposed to work with this. If I keep giving short reads nobody will listen to me or be convinced.

I can be funny sometimes.

Counterpoint: would scum!Vul in fact have said “I’m just going to stop talking for now since I’m not being pushed anymore”?

I somehow managed to make almost all my posts simultaneously game related while still posting fluff

But I arrived at conclusions so it’s all good :sunglasses:

Your next scum game you’re going to make a bunch of non-hedgy conclusions and I’m going to mistakenly towncore you for it :upside_down_face:

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The one time I’m itching to play scum I have no time to play because of mu hydras and exams hahaha

Scum!Vul would have said something stupid much earlier.


honestly i kinda didn’t do much and me tmi-ing as town in my first post somehow was just me being stupid and not reading thru my posts late at night but at least i got lots of good reactions off of that :^)

Anyone who says a game is impossible needs to read this game



I kept my WIM high for 3 straight days lynching near confirmed town since I couldn’t night kill that game

I won, it’s possible to win any game.


The powerwolfing guide mentioned a game where it was 1v16 with an outed wolf and the wolf won.

i don’t agree with conceding either

try lynching a green checked person, a person who has a role confirmed to be in the game as a town role, and a mason


It was mentally exhausting though

Please never again I don’t want to have to do that again please no

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I was thinking about it during class today and I think the strategy for winning this one starting at SoD2 would have been to kill Eevee at night, say that since he had died at night he must have been right about something, and use that to break up the towncore.