[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

How I feel about them is that I need to read their posts again because nothing pinged me too hard on a skim. I would prefer not to call Max 100% scum because of a perceived scumslip. The amount of times I’ve seen ‘scumslips’ come from town here is staggering and even if Max disagrees, I don’t actually want to mislynch him again (though last time I did it I was scum but w/e).

I will probably re-read their posts now-

Meta changes and I don’t like using it in reads since I’m not very good at it. That’s why I never townclear you unless you’re evidently town to me.

Didnt get My Very funny joke +1 to scum

So do you not prefer to call them 100% scum And scumread him or do you not just have a read

This suggest you are scumreading him but not sure while

This that you dont have a read

I blatantly point out my biased perspective because after my few last games I’m absolutely paranoid of getting confbiased by no one other than myself.


I both think that:

  • calling someone 100% scum because of a ‘scumslip’ is silly

And that:

  • I need to re-read their posts

Which is what I will do now.

How can you scumread him And not have a read on him at same time

Well does it make him 80% scum

I think you misinterpreted. I prefer not to scumread him and I prefer to re-read his posts before abiding by that decision or walking back on it.

Is it because you dont want to make Wrong read or dont want to look pushy?

This pings me as town and not as scum. He’s joking, okay. He’s evidently joking and it doesn’t feel fake to me. I don’t know, maybe I’m stupid.

I laughed.

He said something to that effect as town the last time I played with him, so there. Vulgard doing metareads, hahaha.

I like his tone.

This post is the last one in his ISO as of right now and I really like it. Reasons? I can write them but I don’t think I can articulate them very well right now.

Max probably town. Probably because the read might flip.

The former. You know I’m paranoid of having 100% incorrect reads this game.

Why do you think joking in op is towny

I actually don’t think this is strongly AI but hey. Someone had to say it.

? Not sure why he thinks it’s even important. Like one person voted Alice.

Boy oh boy. Fast push on Max. This is getting interesting.

How could you say something so controversial, yet so brave?
On a serious note I disagree but that doesn’t mean this is scummy, I guess.

Was going to push hard on Max but then…

Switches to defending himself and kinda forgets about Max.

In response to people questioning his Max read.

Still defending.

So now he thinks pushing Max is worthless? I don’t see why, other than the fact people were questioning him because of it and scumreading him.
That’s not a great look ngl. Dropping your read because people scumread you for it. Unless there’s a whole different reason I missed but all I see Kyo talk about in his ISO is explaining his read on Max, so I think that read should’ve been the cause.

More defending, and Kyo still thinks Max is scum apparently? But he has admitted that pushing him was pointless. I know that he was referring to a specific reason, but… that’s still kinda weird to me.

And now he townreads Max after being continuously pressured and questioned.

Proof that he townreads Max. So Kyo engaged with Max by scumreading him, then got questioned by Geyde and Hja and spent a lot of time explaining himself, then changed his read on Max.
I’m struggling to understand whether he did that because he was being scumread for it or because he genuinely re-read Max’s posts and started thinking he was actually town. Either could be the case at this point.

I need more posts from Kyo I think. Right now he’s pinged me both ways.

I don’t think it’s inherently towny, I just think what Max wrote there was towny and it happened to be a joke.

Because it felt genuine?

I think I can see Kyo TvTing there because his posts haven’t really pinged me as horrible.

Yup. That’s what I said, didn’t I?

You didnt point anything towny in his post And didnt point Any flaw in My reasoning ???

What do you think about this in void

If I knew how to verbalize this, I would. I struggle to explain my reads, especially with the method I’m using here.

What I think about it is that it’s actually town AI if only because I vibe with that part:

I can hardly defend my reads too. But I admit that’s a stupid reason so I’m probably just mistaken here.