[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

There is no miller, hjasik fake quoted

Why would you do that to me

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I will change your profile picture if you do this again


I know she did but I overthink literally every joke ever :eyes:

If you make everyone a Miller it keeps balance the same

What will you change it to

Remember this?


Why u do this to me

God this is an intimidating line-up.


It’s not. Lord Mislynch is here.

Yeah but I won’t be able to power wolf :frowning:

And my reads are probably gonna suck. But I guess that’s what this game is for. Improvement of reads.

@Teleology You in? You can write essays here since there are no mechanics to think about other than the factional kill mechanics

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I’m good, I’m already in a SFoL and I don’t wanna take on too much. I’m trying not to replace out in any game that I start


I miss him




i thought ici said he was gonna host htis lol

i suck at mountainous but i think i’ll have time for this

/iin for now, i’ll let you know if my schedule changes before the game starts


I have had an epiphany on the true nature of Mafia, but before we go on with this bold and dynamic new strategy I would like to establish that I am LOCK FUCKING CLEAR. It would never be in my best intrests to reveal this gamebreaking strategy if I was a wolf, as it would be impossible for me to win due to the oppresive and overpowered nature of this village strategy.

Essentially, forget about your wincon. That dosen’t fucking matter. What really matters is how many Scummies you win. Win:Loss ratios are worthless unless you have a cool title and a slight reputation as well, so you’d better listen closely to everything I say and assume that every read I make is correct.

This strategy relies entirely on the fundamental avarice inherent in the nature of man. @Wolves I bet you guys want awards too, huh? Well, I can GAURENTEE you awards by the following simple instructions:

  • Douse me N1
  • Douse someone else N2
  • DO A FUNNY AND DOUSE ME AGAIN N3 HAHAHA (important, this might get you a funniest moment award!)
  • Lose because you’ve all been lynched by my god-tier Marson skills. I’d reccomend bussing so this loss dosen’t feel too painful.
  • Get an award for strategically throwing an unwinnable game for their own business, probably Most Unique Play or something? Idk your feelings don’t really matter because this game was lost at rand

In return for the wolves’ immediate concession, us GOAT villagers are GAURENTEED a Best Team Play and Best Individual Play award, as this god-tier strategy gaurentees us the win, while if you guys go along with my FLAWLESS strategy you have clearly overcome your fundamental avarice and pride, which not only means that you’re getting an award but also that you’re probably a step closer to Nirvana or some shit.

Trying to defy the Awardscumming strategy is blatant fucking gamethrowing, and when those of you who think that this strategy has some kind of flaw with it get carried the shit out of by me, I’ll arrange for you to be excluded from the team award.

I’ll accept your champs votes in advance.


reviving this copypasta for cough future reference