[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

About What ?

…Something doesn’t fit here.

Look at the first four votes.
These are the first four votes of the game that revolve around Max.

…I’m seeing scum theater.

/vote Geyde

You broke order in those

Wait, I did?
I looked for “/vote” in the thread and went top to bottom.

Thanks town core
/vote geyde

I’m not caught up on the thread and I have to leave for class but I think this is a townslip, due to not realizing that scum don’t kill every night here.

These are the exact first votes.

Please take a look at the bolded. These are the ones that really ping me.

It feels like Geyde and Maximus are just playing around with their votes and now that Geyde is defending Maximus I decided to look back on the voting patterns.

I really don’t like what I’m seeing. :c

those quote invalidate your case What Are doing dkdlbddkkdk

I would rather not lie and say that the votes I quoted earlier were the only votes cast in this time period. They weren’t.
Geyde and Maximus’ votes just stick out to me as fweh (this is my shorthand for ‘they make me uncomfy’) and I decided to point it out.

Hey Geyde, please come back to the thread and explain your vote hopping, alongside the initial vote on Maximus.
You said it yourself that he’s easy to mislynch, but you are the one who voted him first in the first 100 posts of the game.

sometimes you need to lie to make push And get reactions

Getting reaction wasn’t really my intention here. I won’t pretend I’m any good at reaction tests because I lack subtlety.

So I’m just going to build this wagon, don’t mind me. Eevee can wait.

@Icibalus I hereby invite you to interact with me in the Mountainous Arson VFM (whatever it abbreviates).

I think it’s Vanilla Forum Mafia. Oops. Posted too soon.

Jake Magnus Alice please talk. :<

Not for that reasoning

I voted Maxi because they looked like they TMI’d me as town.
I’m throwing votes out to create pressure.
I voted Alice to see how Kyo would respond

/vote Vulgard