[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

I was asking your read on someone and you responded with “That’s stupid”

I agree with butterfly lord, let’s stop ignoring them.

…this isn’t game relevant but I’m awfully curious what Eevee means by ‘butterfly lord.’


No I mean, what trait of mine you’re describing


You are nice, quiet, not prone to conflicts, often underestimated.

Awfully boring.

But also avoid much suspicion due to it.

Perfect butterfly lord.

yeah okay i can see it

laughs in 6th highest poster


I don’t really see arete ever underestinated

Please use actual names, eevee
It’s not feasible for most people to actually read into what you’re saying when it’s being clouded by bluster

also no.

Eevee, for lack of a better word, you are being kind of a dick right now. Please get some sleep, you really aren’t helping town.


SFoL 51 by people who were not Vul

I don’t have a towngame example because it’s nearly impossible to underestimate my towngame


wait waht even was sfol51? HoB?

I thought vul wasn’t in that

oh nvm i see post

Fuck sleep, I’m not drunk enough.

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The only thing that could make things worse right now is alchohol.

I don’t really care if you sleep right now, just get off the thread, you arent helping.

Could we limit posts to more concrete thoughts
The last ~100 posts aren’t useful


Oh and you are much better Mr. know it all Marshaling?

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You are tired and throwing around insults and derailing threadstate.

I made a detailed read on vul and was explaining it before you came in and blew up on kai.

dont insult me.

Just get off of this thread.

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No, you sheeped my case on Vulgard before I decided I don’t want to be on wagon with ya.

Stop at least pretending when you steal someone’s reads.