[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

I don’t really give a shit about being scumread by you tbh, completely obstructing discussion for an hour won’t help town, stopping discussion about previous games and things that aren’t game relevant at all will though.

@Geyde where are you at rn in terms of marshals alignment

The discussion right now is only hurting town.

Honestly, i don’t give a fuck anymore. I have my reads but eevee just can’t shut up. I will be off for the next hour.

I’d rather we give time for shit to defuse, but you know what? just go the fuck ahead.

Love me some AtE.

If you think you need a break then go take one, I’m going to play when I have the time to.

@Magnus psst

Oh nice, Marshal is out.

I have a cookie for you :cookie:

I’ve made it clear in my ISO
Null territory since their thought process was better when evaling Vul later

I’m not sure what is more funny, suggesting that Sulit would read or that he would read your ISO.

Can we get a VC if you’re here @DatBird

I’m trying on mobile

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Catch-up Inside


Thinking Magnus may be town from the relaxed and nonchalant attitude from #203 to #206, though. These posts were also pretty attention-grabby and contrast a lot with his wolf habit of going UTR.


Entrance was just terrible. #216 looks like a case of searching for wolfy players rather than searching for wolves.


Marking #211 to check for follow-up/progression, and #243 is… interesting.

Disagreeing with #246 here as it feels way too premature to clear Hja by now.

#251 is stupidly reachy being that it should be obvious that there’s no claim-vig in a mountainous match.

#253 disliking this so damn much. So far none of his interactions look to have any depth or meaning, and #255 felt way too damn reachy by immediately interpreting Maxi’s post as TMI;ing him. Geyde’s been non-stop reachy this match so far and I don’t like this one bit.

Hating and loving #284. Emotionally Geyde’s conviction is pretty good, thing is his push on Maxi just reeks of a push in bad faith.

Post #295 is just so damn bad due to the context. Him being so flightly and not focused here and then tunneling Maxi while ignoring Kyo’s general wolfiness is just atrocious. I’d probably quick-lynch the other if either Kyo or Geyde flip wolf as they’ve been so wolfy as of far and their associations look terrible.

I’ll need more follow-up between Geyde/Kyo as of #308.

Did not like #328 at all. Looks to be W!Geyde tying W!Kyo with V!Maxi trying to set up a mislynch in the event of a wolfbuddy getting lynched from how Geyde hasn’t interacted at all with Kyo and is tying each other for spurious reasons.

Again, Geyde’s interactions with Kyo in #384 look absolutely terrible and it kind of seals me the Geyde/Kyo/??? scumteam being that he’s repeatedly shifting Kyo for later.

Fucking hell with #398. Geyde and Kyo are pretty much almost lock-wolves to me from this as Geyde keeps tying other players like Magnus and Maxi to him despite both being pretty villagery on isolation and Geyde never interacting with Kyo.

Geyde’s now been all over the place with #718, tbh.

Like, this just fucking isn’t V!Geyde. He’s not forming a townblock to solve shit. He’s not trying to sort people’s alignments, his entire game so far has been a performative mess.

…what am I reading in #773? Like, I’m starting to think Kyo may end up being a V from this post. Pre-flips are biasing me stupid hard here, but yeah.

#916 is… like, I can’t exactly see a logical progress from Geyde to Maxi/Kyo. Everything here reeks of being a plinko board.

Like, what the fuck is up with #940? Geyde has just been non-stop shading everyone this match.

Re-evaluating Vulgard when he could have mislynched him at #1166 is kind of villagery.

I honestly don’t get the sheer over-emphasis Geyde is doing with associations here with Kyo in #983, and emphasizing the player I see as likely V over the player that I see as likely W here is just… I’m basically hating everything about Geyde this match.

Reading #1196 and there you have it, I’m back to Geyde W. A Maximus lynch is easy, alongside incriminating Kyo should they flip town. Again with this shit associative. It’s like he’s intentionally protecting Kyo by using shit-tier associations without bothering to read Kyo’s slot.


I… what? The tone here is fucking weird but #225 looks like a stupidly eager townread for the sake of townreading someone by a wolf. Don’t think Hja/Shuri are wolves together considering that wolves don’t eagerly townread themselves like this… Wait, nvm. This was a shitpost by Hja quoting Klopp’s guide.

#232/#235 sounds more like a Hjasik post, kind of thinking that they may be likely V here from how they’re trying to get the game-state and discussion started rather than just go with the flow as they did in RRM3.

From reading #272 and… yeah. Hja is town. Take this read to the bank. Direct interaction, sticking herself out, and whatnot. This is never their wolf game.

Seeing #385… yep. Never lynch Hja.

At point #393 Hja has been effectively thread-spewed so far. I basically stopped reading them atp.


Marking #234 to check for follow-up/progression. #238 follow-up seems good for now. Looks genuine curiosity from Arete rather than peforming to look curious as scum.

Bad Arete, early game associations like #293 ping me, though I don’t see this one being done in bad faith.

I individually townread both Maxi and Arete here, but Arete clearing Maxi for something they did as a wolf in LotR as in #299 and then before claiming he’d scumread me if Maxi flipped wolf makes me believe if either somehow flip wolf then the other should be taken a closer look at.

I like #304 as so far it looks extremely honest, genuine, and completely non-performative.

Townread on Arete’s rising as of #377 as so far his questions have a zero sense of performativeness to them.


Tonally #252 is good considering his scum tone is far more reserved and cautious, even if the Geyde part felt TMI-ish.

Agreeing with #274, this wagon is terrible as I’m not liking Geyde’s reasoning as it’s reachy AF and Hja’s just sheeping. Just stop defending yourself in #275 as this doesn’t help people read you better.

Disliking the hedge in #361, but the tone and thought progression here is pretty villagery. I do agree that Geyde’s reeks of a powerwolf so far.

Vulgard’s post in #514 further my townread of Maxi. Tonally his opening here was excellent.


Entering the thread with mechanics talk while ignoring the Geyde/Maxi argument as in post #276 is just… a fucking terrible look, really.

#281 is kind of bad as I can easily be a wolf as well and I shouldn’t be given daypasses for being a strong player. I’d like more interaction with Kyo to see if this post was genuine or not.

#286 is… wtf. That’s all I’m going to say.


#450 is a Vulgard post.

Liking #482 so far as it shows restraint and wanting to take time to sort Maxi’s alignment rather than opportunism.

Mindmelded with Vulgard hard on Maxi in #492. Thinking they’re very likely a villager here.

Another mindmeld in #495. Thinking we may be on the same page.

Mindmelded with Vulgard on #660 again.

I’m hesitant on towncoring Vulgard from posts like #748. I get that he’d be more cautious after the clusterfuck that was SFoL53, but being cautious on Kyo like this just rings me the wrong way.

Agreeing with Vulgard yet again on #783 and #784. Like, Geyde’s progression here is making no sense whatsoever.

Agreed with #838, except I think Maxi’s prob town here. Geyde W would mean both of them are unaligned, though. From how Vulgard has been repeatedly at odds with my strongest wolfreads I’m pretty sure he’s pretty much a villager here.

Yep, Vulgard’s a villager in #880. Thinking much of the scumreading on Vulgard has been done in bad faith considering how his last wolf and last villager game have been so it’s pretty obvious why his confidence would be in the shitter regarding his alignment.

Post #896 would fit in with the game-state. A wolfteam of 2 or more of Geyde/Evee/Icibalus is extremely loaded for this site and could powerwolf the village to oblivion.

#1075 reinforces my view of Vulgard V. Like, we’ve both been reaching similar conclusions via reads this entire match.


#453 is an Icibalus post.

Icibalus’ logic in #458 does look villagery but I disagree and think it’s pretty NAI for them.

#471 is just an eww post considering that there’s really no need to sort out a thread-spewed villager here.

Gutreading Ici as a villager in #480 but I just can’t help but facepalm at his interactions with Vulgard.

#814 is extremely off as well. He does have progression leading up to the vote, but so far I’m hating his narrow look into the game and the friendliness between him and Geyde.

#909 the more Ici posts the more I want to lynch him. Like, his biggest foci this match have been that the thread-spewed villager is a villager and that Vulgard is a wolf.


Up to #600 by now. Tonally something feels off about his posts, probably due to Vulgard translating it rather than it being AI.

Skipping the rest of off-topic Polish, Latin, and nonsensical posts.

From shitposting to reactively voting Vulgard in #801 without solving was downright terrible. I’d like Eevee dead if Geyde’s W and Vulgard’s V.

Post #1030 makes me think Eevee’s unaligned with Geyde, actually. Eevee just looks like a poorly playing villager at this point tunneling Vulgard for bad meta reasons.

#1242 is a huge WTF for me.


Mixed feelings so far. Entrance in #659 felt a bit too serious for him but I liked the restraint he showed with Maxi being that he’s stupidly opportunistic as scum. He’s probably a PR playing carefully, though.

#661 makes sense as an explanation for the lack of shitposting.

I don’t think Kyo/Kai are aligned as of #662. Kai shows a shit-ton of restraint in handling Kyo and as a wolf I don’t think he’d hesitate on associating his wolfbuddy with others in this case. Kind of thinking Kai’s just town here, though.

Loving #1160, that’s pretty much it. Thinking my towncore’s at Hja/Arete/Kai/Vulgard


I got a meh reaction from #667. Not really hedge-y but not really as obvtown as I expect from Sulit.

Don’t think they’re a wolfbuddy with Hja in #669. Hell, I think Hja has a snowflake’s chance in hell of being a wolf. Though this comment does seem pretty villagery being that the easy way out as a wolf here would be just to TMI Hja.

…why are so many people making preflips this early on in #851? This one’s kind of villagery but incorrect due to Kai’s wolf meta.

Not liking how she’s in the sidelines with the entire Vulgard clusterfuck happening in #929, tbh. Don’t think they’re a wolf with Ici considering that Ici never shades his partners like this.


His caution in #685 makes me think he’s a PR, tbh.

None of Marshall’s posts have ping me strongly but #1033 feels odd, but I can’t put my finger on it why.

I’m pretty much detesting Marshall in #1139. His point on Vulgard is stupidly forced and I don’t see much meaningful interaction between him and other players in this match at all.


#1148 was a shit opener, looks to be newbscum trying to be UTR by taking consensus decisions.

#1194 looks performative and it looks like he was way too easily swayed. Don’t think Jake/Marshall are W/W being that I don’t think he’d get so close to his wolfbuddy like this.

Don’t think they’re W/W with Eevee in #1238 as newbwolves don’t bus or distance like this. Thinking realistically he’s more likely to be with Geyde as there’s no progression on his third scumread and looks like shit distancing. Plus, him putting Geyde/Eevee/Vulgard in a team together makes no sense from a village PoV. Thinking Geyde’s vote on him may be a bus considering that anyone with a sense of how progression works would immediately kill Jake over that scumteam and that bussing here would be optimal being that there will be no questioning if a busser endgames.

Unlikely wolf pairings








Likely aligned regardless of alignment



General Readlist








Most likely wolfteam ATP for me is Geyde/Kyo/Jake. Confident Hja/Vul/Arete/Kai are all villagers.

Eevee… not sure what to do with him. This rage is completely self-destructive and unfortunately isn’t AI at all and I’ll need to read him again after he calms down as it can pretty much happen to you regardless of alignment.


Rn I need a GTH answer regarding Kyo’s alignment. Every time this question came up you’ve effectively deffer it to associations with other unflipped players where I see no rhyme or reason for it and it’s prety much why you’re in the top of my PoE after Jake.

I don’t have a clue
That’s why I defer to associations

Then why didn’t you further interact with them while they were in the thread with you?


Okay, I know what you mean.


People get wrongly scumread a lot during FM matches for losing their cool, which is why I want to read you when you’re calmer.

im both annoyed at what happened earlier in the thread and extremely pissed off because of irl drama so I’m going to be taking a break.

Because I felt like interacting with them didn’t help, and that I would better read them based on their interactions with other players

Alright, i’ve replaced out, just want to give one last word:

lynch vulgard

signing up for this was a mistake.

What did I tell you about losing your cool in FM games and how to play it out?
