[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

It’s a possibility but it’s not my ideal team

I also think Kai is town because I’m comparing him to SFoL 00 and he feels similar. Not in tone or anything, but in the fact I don’t think his reads are correct at all - and yet he has confidence.

Stupid reason to TR again, I know. I can’t really help it.

FYI I was not scum with alice this game, I was arguably a part of the most impactful town slot, though I constantly looked to help from my slot teammates for help saving myself when I was playing. Two of them, frog and ladd, were extremely powerful town players. That slot ultimately sacrificed itself as a fake tracker claim as the last maf got redchecked by the real tracker, clinching it. My only day played that game was also Day 2, same range of MU pages as Alice. My slot’s team chat from that game is linked below:

i give 90/10 odds we are living in a kyo/magnus world without rereading them

I don’t think that’s marshal being scum is the world we are in. I’m liking Maxwell’s entrance tbqh.

I think I have enough townreads to start making a box, now townies just have to be filtered out.

My scumbox is currently Jake/Kyo/Max/Geyde/Ici/eevee. I don’t really think Maxwell is scum and I TR Magnus on gut.

That’s a pretty big box so I would like to take some people out of it.

My bad, I misread your post.

Could you please refer to maximus as at least maxi instead of just max? I’m sometimes called just max as well so it’s a bit confusing.

I know that I’ve been saying that I want to be careful, and I still am. The box might change.

That’s just where my head is at right now and I would rather make sure the thread knows this.

I like that box, take Geyde and tentatively remove eevee and i think that’s a near-perfect poe

Sure. I think I’m always calling you Maxwell though. :smiley:

That’s fine

Wait why did I put Ici in there when I thought he was villa tunneling me.


I feel like I’m getting influenced here.

I don’t feel strongly about Kyo/Magnus being a thing

So 900% guarenteed?

Can you contribute something that isn’t a shitty quip?

The purpose was to find out what their optimal lynch was, in their mind.

I’m a Prince :wolf:

No, I really am a mafiarsonist. :wolf:[quote=“Arete, post:1579, topic:78852”]

What’s your opinion of my ISO of Marshal?

“please give me towncred I did an Iso”

“Please scumread Jake they want feedback on something that’s received none”

Since you want people to subliminally say that they are town, why don’t you ever do that?

Basically: Quicklynch me I am a wolf :wolf:

I think I’m still leaning Ici town and I don’t want to make pre-flip associations.

Probably removing him from the box. Might put him back in. I don’t know, his push on me just felt tunnely and I don’t think Ici tunnels a town as scum as his first posts of the match. He is capable of tunneling town but I don’t believe he does that this early.

…I’m pretty sure you’re right and I hate it.

Maybe once you stop pushing me?