[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

Poor an gorta lratai.

This was the second forum mafia game I ever played, and the first that I wasn’t modkilled in.


Read the shitstorm I caused.

I kinda made Jake slip and Marshal clear themself and replace out. Even got a warning from host.

Am I going good on way to hydra with Dio god?

First time Im proud of causing shitstorm.

He hasn’t posted since that game ended, more than eight months ago :cry:

Forgot he even ever existed until now

I mean, poor newbie who got bussed

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You meanie

Wait, marshal cleared themself to an illegal extent? How?

oh god how oculd I forget Varanus

So yeah, how do you feel joining into the slot wich townfirmed itself and replaced out of anger @Maxwell

How did Marshal townconfirm himself??
He did good at redeeming himself somewhat towards the end, but most of his time in this game was seemingly horrible.

Varanus is a high-tier Fun Asshole™ and I miss seeing his antics. One of the best parts of playing on ToS.

But in all honesty, it’s nice to be able to play town in VFM.
As shown multiple times both on i42 and MU, it’s probably the setting where I’m most potent. No harmful mechanic talk to impede the progress of reads and depthful ISO’s.

Glad my slot will die n1 for being too potent of a townie instead of possibly getting mislynched like Marshal had this slot on track for for about 20 hours.

and I know i’m taunting you, whoever you are maf, but in all honesty, if you don’t kill my slot night 1, you’re fucking idiots.

Bold of you to assume people will die early on in Marson.

i mean vul agrees

it’s worth depriving villa of NKA and giving them a wider PoE
igniting N1 is a shit-tier play

Please don’t ruin my WIFOM fun . . .