[VFM] Mountainous Arson - (12/15) - Completed - Town Wins

just a random vote

if i get a reaction somehow, cool
if not, well, i’ll see where the thread goes in the morning (or at least that was my plan)

I believe because he wants to start tracktion on Alice and allow someone else to take the blame for it.
/vote Maximus

your vote was serious, but the post after sounded like a meme tbh (basically you saying that “hey guys im town lol”)


generally when i get 2 votes after 1 post i tend to just panic and react with whatever they ask

and if i had a read on them, i would’ve said

as it stands right now, i can see both wolf and town hja doing what they’re doing, which is why i still have them at null

What about my posts, Maxi? Thoughts.

scratch that, 3 votes

and how the fuck would i blame someone for a wagon if i was the one who started it

this is a bit too tinfoily for my tastes

im posting, chill the fuck out

That was directed to you…

Someone brought up the Planters game earlier in the thread, I just skimmed it and Maxi’s unconnected-to-threadstate opening vote in that game was on his scumbuddy. I’d actually be more inclined to SR Alice if Maxi flips scum although I’d want to check if he had a pattern first because meta-ing from one game is silly.

I was saying that it’s scum motivated to vote someone right away without any posts as it is potentially creating a wagon for a mislynch.
It puts someone under pressure which crumbles them, town or mafia. It’s not town motivated.

Engage with the rest of his content in this thread
This reeks of indecisiveness

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Explain your reasoning on that.

hint: i don’t

i just tend to go with the flow of the thread yet you all think that you can meta read me off of 1 post

Read the post

Also, wolves basically never try to start a mislynch on Alice D1 as she’s very difficult to get mislynched (and it draws her attention to you); when it does happen it disproportionately comes from town. If Maxi is scum here I doubt that’s his goal.

I’ve read it considering I posted an answer to it.
That is not a wolf post at all, and I’m asking why you would think that.

Can you guess Why I think Its wolfy

No, I have zero reason why you’d think any of my posts are wolfy and I don’t even need to read them

That’s fair, but in this setup is it not best to try and pull mislynches on people who may potentially become towncore considering it’s much harder to kill them off?

Honestly? Everyone’s arguments in the thread so far basically make sense to me and I don’t feel like I have anything to add there other than ‘yes, seems plausible.’ Not voting him yet as he’s already halfway to lynch.