[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

When a townread votes my scumread an exclamation mark pops above my head

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How important is it on a scale from 1 to 10?

If itā€™s a roleclaim, donā€™t say it or Iā€™ll slap you :newspaper_roll:

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Uhhhh 3?

Honestly the fact Iā€™m flip-flopping but coming back to the same conclusions kinda makes me think Iā€™m just right and wolves are in

sulit/Napoleon/Richard/eevee/Andrej/DatBird/maybe Appel

Among these people:

eevee/Andrej are complete nulls (gut on eevee says V but I have 0 tangible basis)
Appel I think is closer to V than the others
DatBird isā€¦ well heā€™s here for a reason but I wouldnā€™t say heā€™s lock W. Right now heā€™s smack dab in the middle
Napoleon/Richard/sulit are fweh (closer to W)

fweh doesnā€™t mean anything by the way donā€™t read into my fweh, fweh

So because I placed my vote on Amelia sheā€™s probably town?

I think youā€™re wrong on at least 3 of those people.

Oh and add Amelia in there because Iā€™m really not convinced sheā€™s a villager based on her lackluster posting.

She was obvious af villager in FoL and SFoL 58 but Iā€™m not really seeing it here.



Why is Amelia not on this list

Is it just that scummy people are voting her or do you TR her independently from that

read post #2

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oh she is

Thereā€™s one problem I have with this and itā€™s that my PoE is wolfreading and voting each other which is weird.

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is this what happens when the wolves are in a box

no because youā€™re wrong :slight_smile:

I really really wanna say it

Do you think that some of them are trying to bus each other for towncred?

Youā€™ll take me out of there soon enough hopefully

Vote Count

Accused Accuser Count
CRichard Alice, Amelia 2/9
PoisonedSquid SirDerpsALot, Hippolytus 2/9
Napoleon PoisonedSquid, Vulgard 2/9
sulit CRichard564 1/9
Amelia Arete, Napoleon, Marshal, sulit 4/9

on which villagers am I wrong
or do you think the wolves are in my PoE, just elsewhere

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it doesnā€™t necessarily mean youā€™re wrong, or that theyā€™re bussing, your PoE contains some villagers just based off of it being more than four people

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