[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

i don’t think i’ve had a game on this site where I wasn’t outed wolf day 1 unless I was lurking/slanking and yes I used to do that as wolf

work on your scumgame
my first few scumgames i got called out quickly on my extreme slanking
the next scumgame, i was a top poster and everyone thought i was town

I am slowly warming to the idea of being wolf

I think a problem I had was I was anxious of disappointing my scummates so I resolved to do as little as possible

easy to say, hard to do
arete has a godread on me and I’m an easy read in general

look at yourself in the mirror
what makes you stand out as scum?
and how can you fix it

i don’t dislike playing wolf, I honestly have no preference for alignment

i’m not an obvious villager
it’s that simple

what makes you stand out as town
and how can you replicate it

I should probably get my school stuff done


I’m not sure if this is a proper thread to discuss this, but at the same time, there is no “discuss your play / ask for improvement” thread (even though I think it should be a thing, but I digress).

I stand out as town by projecting town energy really hard. There’s a reason why I’m almost never mislynched as a villager. I project V without even trying. That sounds kinda vain but that’s how I feel.

if you could project that towniness as scum for even one game, it’d be enough to fix arete’s godreading

And therein lies the problem. How. I know I don’t have a green role PM.

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one of my tactics to appear town is to fucking derp out
completely forget you’re scum in the first place :upside_down_face:

I tried that in the last fol and I was outed ten minutes into the game :upside_down_face:

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okay like
deus ex 3
i genuinely forgot i was scum for a solid 15 minutes and it did great for distancing and appearing town

How do you even forgot what alignment you are? Were you scum Amnesiac?

Just dont look at who your scummates are

I literally forgot I was a member of the scumteam. I looked away from the rolecard and immediately went “Time to find the wolves!”

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… but… how?

you’re talking to the guy who used up the most powerful scum ability and gained almost nothing from it because he temporarily became illiterate

the moment you were modpeeked as red for no reason was one of the lowest points of our games here