[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

Isn’t EoD in like 26 hours

Also I’m not planning on lynching you today unless you get a whole lot wolfier FWIW

I’m spoilering my thoughts on this wallpost so that other people can figure out what they think about it before looking at my post, I’m trying to figure out if I’m confbiasing myself


So the big thing I notice about this wallpost is that it doesn’t really take stances on anyone who’s not fairly consensus town

Basically every read that more than a couple people would contest is hedgy

Like, all of these are basically just saying ‘they could be a wolf but they could also be a villager,’ which is like the world’s most Classic Newbie Scumtell.

the last one is reasonable since, well, slankers, and it’s not like I’m positive on the alignments of all the people in the middle, but she has literally all of them as hedgy reads that don’t really say anything and that’s wolfy

also hug

like I believe this regardless of your alignment and that sucks

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i’d feel kinda bad to mislynch amelia d1 again especialy consider her circumstances but rn i’m happy with my vote

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I’m kinda sad that the one person who initially townread me is kinda a scumread for me.

Sorry sulit you don’t look so hot

I really wanna hit a wolf :slight_smile:

Also I’m not too sure if all the slankers are scum and it feels bad to assume as such

I think I need to re-evaluate my towncore and I think I’m booting Arete and Emilia out just because I think it might be too hasty to clear a lot of people here. They are still V reads though. My towncore is Marshal/Vulgard/Alice tbh. Alice seems pretty open minded and less agenda-y and Vulgard feels pretty townie tbh. I like Marshals interactions here and he doesn’t give off any powerwolf vibes to me.

I legit want to believe this slot is scum.

Is it? I still might not be able to post cuz road trip oof but that makes me feel better

never mind, more like 24

Hmm what was the spark that transformed sulits read of me from scum to town?

Ok 24 hours it is.

Vote Count

Accused Accuser Count
CRichard Alice, Amelia 2/9
PoisonedSquid SirDerpsALot, Hippolytus 2/9
Napoleon PoisonedSquid, Vulgard 2/9
Arete CRichard564 1/9
Amelia Arete, Napoleon, Marshal, sulit 4/9


Thats how i felt with it, and the thing with disregard of me and Marshals posts to answer Napoleons wasnt making me read them any better. And when I finnaly got an answer it was people have been sus of you, but u had genuine answers, Which is even more of a, am I sus to you or not?

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I want to vote on them due to it, but it puts it in range (even though no four man scum team ever all gonna suddenly jump). But then I think we have 24ish hours left. I’ll give them a chance to see if they provide better content

like i guess my suspcions of a four man jumping on at this point is probably invalid. All Imma say is we shouldnt have more than one more vote on this slot after mine. Until around the 12 hour mark

/vote Amelia

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Anyone else up, or do i go to bed. the ever struggle

im up qt

U wanna talk shop on some reads, spitball throw some back and forth


why don’t we work through some of the nulls