[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

thats reasonable, im bout to head out soon. Do want to talk more, but i feel im losing the battle slowly against my brain to stay up

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i probably have another hour left in me but i want to watch sketch comedy on youtube and not forum mafia solve

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Iā€™m watching Hippos votes atm because thats how he recommended to read him, and currently i dont have any problems with his vote. Unless squid like townies up within the day I say its prob fine

Three meh votes, the rest seem fine

just for context of my opinion the marshal, the me, and the italy votes are the meh ones to me

i think he meant ā€œafter a few flipsā€ bcuz rn preflipping votes doesnā€™t really do too much to solve his alignemnt unless heā€™s doing something egregious like only voting and pushing lhf wagons

the vote volume is >rand villagery

that level of vote switching is more likely to come from town and I just double-checked and in Evo he switched wagons a lot less

i think i remember him switching votes like crazy in LoTRFM as well so checks out

liking arete more for this read cuz the more i think abt i the more gamer it gets

Well ur prob right, I was just checking to see if any seemed like really off and with no reasoning, but at least for the Me and You ones he had opinions to back them, the other votes seems fine, or jokes

I tend to agree with this.

yeah tbh i honestly think his vote and reason on me is villagery because while his reasons were off i can see how he had them and it was a pretty astute read otherwise

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but also ā€œhippo villagerā€ isnā€™t particularly new news

yeah, I dont think i have had a game where he was scum and I wasnt on his team, so I never really have gotten to properly sr him. I have sred him before but I dont think any were accurate

hello Appelsiini how are you

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well guess they aint showing up after we saw them for a sec. Imma sleep

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yeha i asaw em too


Have a good night sleep.


@Alice I need your take on Amelia, you havenā€™t really talked about her I think.

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I feel like my read on Amelia is being affected because I like her and thatā€™s bad (bad from the perspective of the game, that is)

I agree with what Arete said about her wallpost; couldnā€™t have been coincidental, could it?

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