[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

Also EOD is at 1 am so like wtf


Is there anything besides the fact that I ā€œknow a lotā€ that makes you distrust me? Or is it just your gut? If itā€™s the former, I guess Iā€™ll be a bit flattered, haha~

I donā€™t know

Your tone seems fine but your activity is weird and something different about you

So mostly gut?

Appel, you reading the thread is suspicious because newbies to our site do that approximately 1% of the time. Or at least thatā€™s the prevailing opinion.

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I should probably put my phone away so I can actually get school jank done

Fair enough. I live in GMT +2 so I mostly have time during this time of the day, and I donā€™t exactly like trying to write long posts on mobile when Iā€™m at bed etc.

Has Emiliaā€™s silence been worrying for others? Other than yes and voting the amalgamation of her and Amelia. She hasnt done much since SOD.

Dat, I hope youā€™re kidding.

I cant really remember anything shes done since like 20ish hours ago

If Appel is a wolf and has this tone, I will never trust her ever again.

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I donā€™t remember much of what they said, but I do remember noting that they made good points.

Sheā€™s obvtown. Like, super obvtown.

Thatā€™s typically what villager!Emilia does. You donā€™t remember what she actually says in a broader sense, but she can make good points that stick out to you.

She was. But shes not keeping it up. Shes just not posting anything

Do we know what timezone she lives in?

She also slanks hard as scum from memory. So like Iā€™m just concerned

Europe somewhere. Exacts idk

@Arete I think you should re-eval on Dat sooner or later because Iā€™m not liking this

Sorry, Dat, go on. Just making a phone call.

Vul can u just trust me for 1 day, thatā€™s all I need