[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

I forgot my cover letter at home so please show me mercy

Looking for a replacement @N.1 @Possessed

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I’m on mobile eating breakfast, but fine, I’ll tell it to you in simple English:

Amelia: Is the highest wagon
Derps: Second largest wagon
Squid: Only has one vote

Amelia: https://youtu.be/DRYeh9xVMqg

Also why exactly are we towncoring Emilia?

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/Sub In @Luxy

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do you really think the wolves decided to get a 2nd wolf wagoned instead of, y’know, just bussing amelia or trying to wagon a villager

Amelia tried to wagon me, you dipnut

She was already done for at that point

and that relates to your derps read… how?

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because amelia voted you when derps was a wagon, it means derps is a wolf?

Because she’d probably have a better chance of living if she voted Derps

Wait… If Amelia and Derps are both scum, then why didn’t she vote him to try to distance him away from her?

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Is… Is this what the scumteam wants me to think?

Or maybe she hoped she looked more town by not jumping on the main wagon?

She would look less survivalist after all

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The problem is that townies and scum usually vote their counterwagon to increase their chances of survival

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Yeah I agree with you.

But I still think the explanation is probably the most likely.

Now whether it’s NAI or AI is debatable and I tend to think NAI for SDA though there are other things which put him as town for me

What are these other things?

@N.1 has replaced @Andrej

Welp, i shall die soon which is sad
i am VT and am poisoned

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