[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

Tommorow If cop dies we will have no mech info and will have to go from reads which we didn’t get from D2 wagons

You can get reads from more than VCA

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And that’s why you want to waste today for something I can easily solve at night?

Yeah, it’s called interacting with other people
HMMMMMM :thinking:

You can but VCA is very effective at that

Plus almost no one is motivated to read when wagon is set

So should we just hammer since we won’t get any info

:clap: Mafia :clap: Poisoner :clap: exists :clap:

And how it changes anything?


Because both of the poisoners can do the same thing. Even if you poison someone, it doesn’t prove that you’re town aligned

I will repeat:

And how it changes anything in outcome?

But we won’t get any info because no one will read so we might as well just hammer

I literally told you why you poisoning someone won’t confirm you. Don’t you dare try to twist this around

Squid, outcome, not the process.


Nothing changes no matter what you do!

I am talking about only in case of eevee and it’s still no cuz while no one is motivated to read info still goes through though in much less extent

We’re not letting you poison the only cop claim, Eevee. Nothing’s changing my mind

At this point I think there’s a greater chance that I won’t be able to contribute significantly today than the chance that I will, so I’m not opposed to quickhammering.

Hey I missed a bit, who did u replace in for?

They always kill dat here if he is town